19 Wiosen | ar

19 WIOSEN – it means just „nineteen springs”... This project was born in 1989 in Lodz, central Poland. It is almost one million habitants city, called “polish Manchester” because of XIX century factrories architecture, fallen industry and full of unemployment and off course... strong tradition of underground and specific alternative music. This strange town with jewish, russian and german roots is probably one of the biggest film and cinema centers in the world. Very important town about the history of polish Jews and the Holocaust. Before strong industrial center and proud of socialist Poland, now full of beggar families living...
وجدت 41 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 02:06:16
Piękno (The Beauty)
Odwilż (Thaw)
Mutant (Mutant)
Nożem uczył uczciwości
Bez Matki
Ministrant (Ministration)
Szpital Heleny Wolf (Helena Wolf Hospital)
zmarnowany kwiat
Struktura (Destroy The Structure)
Wyjątek (An Except)
Sfinks I Feniks (Sphinx And Phoenix)
Błyskawica (The Flash)
Ból (Pain)
Odór (The Stench)
Klementyna R. (Clementine R.)
Jelcz (Jelcz Truck Tires)
Lazur (The Azure)
Dystans (The Distance)
Nowy Dzień (Next Day)
Bez Matki (No Mother)
Agonia (Agony)
układ słoneczny (19 wiosen)
Pedofil (A Paedophile)
Uklad sloneczny
układ słoneczny (19 wiosen)
Destrukcja (Destruction)
Właściwe Miejsce (The Proper Place)