Călin Pop | ar

At the end of 2009 Sydney Mars (ex-Suicideathome, Broken Time Structure) and Kalle (ex-Enkil's Eye, Sleepy Crowd) decide to start a band that has nothing to do with their former projects. Basing on their common passion for bands like Scarlet’s Remains, Christian Death and Mephisto Waltz, they record a bunch of pieces at home: “The Mescaline Babies” are born. After few months they complete the line-up with Daniele (bass) and Luca (drums), and now are recording their first EP at the Overground production’s studio. The Mescaline Babies proposes a deathrock assault between the american sound and the european one, wich...
Mescalin, baby is a woman. Mescalin, baby is sex and violence. Mescalin, baby is the son you never had and the father who wasn't ever there. Mescalin, baby is all those things you never became. Mescalin, baby is The Velvet Underground sharing straitjacket with Bob Dylan. Mescalin, baby is a heart failure, a thombosis and an artificial respiration. Mescalin, baby is romance, romanticism, aesthetics, fanaticism, fundamentalism and food. Mescalin, baby is visionary, interesting and as ugly as it is beautiful. Mescalin, baby is a man. Mescalin, baby is hate and caress. Mescalin, baby is the daughter you dont dare letting...
Luca Robba, aka Mescalinaeden, is an Italian multi-instrumentalist from Trieste. He started to play drums at the age of 10 and after 12 years of playing with rock bands in Italy, he decided to move to London. From 1998 to 2000 Luca studied drumming and music theory at the prestigious Drumtech Studios in Acton (London) with tutors such as Francis Seriau (David Gilmour, Sting) and Lee Irons (R.E.M.). He then joined the post-rock band called Ripe, collaborating with The Strokes’ producer Gordon Raphael. In 2000 he bought a four-track tape machine and started a long period of experimentation with noises...