Jon Lajoie | ar

Jon Lajoie, born and raised in Montreal, Canada, is the third in a family of nine children. He graduated from Dawson College’s theatre/ninja assassin program in 2001, and immediately started booking assassination work, incidentally putting his acting career on the back burner. Between 2001 and 2007 Jon Lajoie assassinated (in a ninja-like fashion) an estimated 40 000 people, and an estimated 9000 fish (in early 2004 demand for assassination was low, so for 3 months, he held a part-time job as a fisherman). In June of 2007, he decided to start making videos and posting them on his YouTube-channel. The...
Pamela Lajoie (also known simply as Pamela) is a French Canadian teen pop sensation from Québec, Canada. In 2007, she released her first album: 120 milles à l'heure She has some of her music videos available at her website here: ~~~~~~~ Biographie: Pamela Lajoie naît le 25 août 1992 à Saint-Eustache et grandit à Pointe-Calumet. Troisième de quatre enfants et seule fille. Sa mère s’amuse à dire que «sa voix vient des cris qu’elle infligeait à ses frères pour affirmer son caractère», mais nous savons avec certitude qu’elle est dotée d’un talent naturel et exceptionnel. C’est sa mère qui,...