Mestre Moraes | ar

Davi Moraes is a great musician from Bahia, rooted in the afro-funk music style. Son of a great brazilian musician, Moraes Moreira, he learn to play his first instrument when he was only 5 years old, when his father gave to him a 'cavaquinho'. Song by song, the little boy became more and more excited with being a musician. His work has influenced a lot of other musicians, including his ex-girlfriend and brazilian pop star, Ivete Sangalo. The albuns Papo Macaco and Orixá Mutante both rendered good reviews from the brazilian press. .
Mestre Toni Vargas was born and raised in Engenho de Dentro, an area in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He is a mestre of Capoeira with grupo Senzala. He is well known for his deep voice. .
Mestre Ambrósio is a character in the Cavalo Marinho, traditional revelry of the Zona da Mata Norte of Pernambuco. The Cavalo Marinho is a variant of Bumba-Meu-Boi, a mixture of drama, music and dance. Mestre Ambrósio, or His Ambrose, or, Ambrose, is credited with introducing the various characters that appear in the game. It is therefore a symbol of diversity. The character lends its name to the band recifense play traditional music of Pernambuco permeated by elements of several other rhythms of Brazil and the world. Each member has a different musical background, ranging from classical music, through rock'n'roll, to...
وجدت 85 الأغاني, المدة الزمنية: 06:14:19
O GCAP Tem Dende
Eu vi a cotia
Mestre Moraes
Vencer (mestre Moraes)
6 Cavalaria
2 Tamanho nao e documento
1 Amanha e dia santo
Meu Cantar
Yo Mata Mayorá
4 La no ceu inc
3 Quando eu morrer
A Verdade
Devedor (mestre Moraes)
A peleja de Riachão com o Diabo
8. Historia Do Mestre Pastinha
Quando Eu Morrer
Iê Bate Dendê
36. Abalou Cachoeira (Live)
16. Vou Me Embora
Sou Eu Humaitá
Toque - Jogo de Dentro
Canarinho Da Alemanha
25. Luna (2:25)
30. Paranae (Live)
27. Calvalaria
21. A Manteiga Derramou
24. Sao Bento Pequeno