Mojo Pep | ar

The Mojo Gurus are a rock and roll band from Saint Petersburg, Florida. They perform mainly in and around the Tampa Bay area. The argument has been made that rock 'n' roll is dead. Well, if it is, The Mojo Gurus have refused to attend the funeral. These four guys from the Tampa Bay area of Florida play as if the burden of saving the genre lay squarely upon their shoulders. Led by singer/songwriter Kevin Steele, the Gurus come off as determined to remind us of something too many people have forgotten... the spirit in which rock 'n' roll was...
the sounds of mid-20th Century southern Americana. The Mojos heap together hillbilly blues, old country, folk, and bluegrass, inject it with the melody of British Invasion pop, and fire it all out with the breakneck energy of the best garage/punk/rock n' roll. The duo's playing is still tight and electric (sounds like there's five of 'em, not just two!), and Matt's songwriting has advanced from damn great to unfuckingbelievable. There's something slightly magical about these cats' trip - they take all of these well-tread musical elements and somehow make them sound as fresh, current, and exciting as any new thing...
MOJO PROJECT, un caso único dentro del panorama musical en España: Un grupo diferente que combina la electrónica con una poderosa banda de músicos para lograr un fabuloso directo. Funk, Jazz, Soul, Flamenco, Latin, ritmos brasileños y africanos se mezclan con la música electrónica como elemento aglutinador. El resultado: un sonido homogéneo y diferente con el personalísimo sello Mojo Project. La banda posee un potente directo: una contundente sección rítmica formada por bajo, batería, guitarra, cuatro versátiles voces y un DJ que cubre los temas con programaciones, sintetizadores, scratches y efectos. Más de 300 conciertos en los últimos 4 años....