Lluis Claret | de

Cathy Claret .. A bit French, a bit Spanish, a bit gipsy. Author, multi-instrumentalist and self-taught composer, her music has become a blend of different sounds: pop-music, bossa nova, flamenco guitars, rumba, toy instruments…, a spectrum of sounds that she gathers and mixes at the same time that she may be considered a pioneer at singing in four different languages (English, French, Spanish and caló – a gipsy language) and combining diverse musical influences, which have developed into her own singular, minimalist style with her smooth, whispering voice as a personal trademark. ( From her official webpage: http://cathyclaret.com/ ) .
Lluís Llach i Grande (* 7. Mai 1948 in Girona, Katalonien, Spanien) ist katalanischer Musiker und Liedermacher. Die Katalanische Sprache war zu Zeiten der Franco-Diktatur offiziell verboten. Lluis Llach ließ sich den Mund nicht verbieten, weshalb er Auftrittsverbote erhielt und schließlich in das Exil nach Paris ging. Nach dem Ende der Herrschaft Francos kehrte er nach Spanien zurück. Sein im Jahr 1968 entstandenes, bekanntestes politisches Lied "L’Estaca" (dt.: der Pfahl) gilt heute weltweit als das Symbollied für den Kampf gegen politische Unterdrückung. Lluís Llach wurde 1948 in einer bürgerlichen Familie in Girona (Katalonien) geboren und verbrachte seine gesamte Kindheit im...
Chantal Claret is the front woman, lead singer and co-composer for a power pop and post punk revival band named Morningwood. She was born on a sunny Sunday afternoon on 2/21/1982 in Berkeley, California. She has also lived in Texas, but has spent most of her life in New York City. In summer 2007 she moved to California where she lives in a suburb of Los Angeles. She was married to James Euringer (lead singer, composer for the industrial/punk band, Mindless Self Indulgence) on January 18, 2008. In 2002 Ms. Claret was featured in a short film by Kolton Lee...
Obscure Doom/Heavy Metal from Connecticut. Most of the songs are pre Hour Of 13 songs. Vestal Claret was created in 2005 by Phil Swanson with Simon Tuozzoli as an idea to an occult heavy metal / death rock project. Simon was running the studio Phil was recording at and asked if he would take part in the Vestal Claret recordings. "Blood Oath" and "The Templars Idol" were the first tracks spawned from this meeting. Jim Quinn originally of Upwards of Endtime sessioned on theses recordings before Michael Petrucci joined the ranks full time. The two songs were recorded and released...