Cough | de

Annie (vox), Delia (bass), Karl (drums) and Sabi (guitar) make up the punker quartet. Heading from Slough, Maidenhead, Herne Hill and London, they’ve played with The Slits, Snow White, The Bridge Gang, The Fog Band, The Hot Puppies, Pete And The Pirates and have been played on Radio One And Six. They’ve had singles out on Purr ("Lips And Hips"/"Spooky" and "Eggs And Chips"/"Get Some") and appeared on comps from Stolen, Blast First, Artrocker, Scrap and Purr ("Live At Purr" CD/DVD). They played the first session of Marc Riley’s new Radio 6 series ‘Brain Surgery’ (which was then repeated later...
Coughee Brothaz is best known as the entourage and backing sound of Houston’s Devin the Dude. They have released 2 full length albums, which can be found in two different formats. A pre-release version of the album, entitled “Collector’s Edition” was available via the internet until the final “Waitin’ Our Turn” was released in 2007. Now they are back with "Fresh Brew" which is being quickly received as an instant classic. In 2007 Devin Copeland established his own label, Coughee Brothaz Music and began releasing independent music directly to his fans via the internet with the Coughee Brothaz. He followed...
Cathal Coughlan is the former singer of Microdisney and The Fatima Mansions. Though his solo work may seem deceptively mellow, he has lost none of the bitter edge that made him great. Cathal Coughlan has released three solo albums: Grand Necropolitan, Black River Falls and The Sky's Awful Blue. A fourth album, Foburg, based on a song-cycle called "Flannery's Mounted Head" that Coughlan and The Grand Necropolitan Sextet have been performing live throughout 2005, was released in September 2006. In August 2010, Coughlan released the album Rancho Tetrahedron, credited to "Cathal Coughlan and the Grand Necropolitan Quartet". The Irish Times...
Shane Cough is an electro-punk / industrial rock band based in Rennes, France in 1998. .
Cough was conceived in the fertile metal underground of Richmond, VA, USA, circa 2005. The newly-formed band sought to be the heaviest band ever from Richmond, and took inspiration from doom metal bands (Black Sabbath, Cathedral, Pentagram, Sleep, Electric Wizard, Goatsnake, etc.), grimy sludge (Grief, Eyehategod, Cavity) and early black metal (Bathory). The band self-released an EP, The Kingdom, in 2007, and followed it quickly with their first proper full-length, Sigillum Luciferi, in 2008. Recorded with acclaimed producer Sanford Parker (Minsk, Rwake, Pelican, Nachtmystium), Sigillum Luciferi is an ugly, agonizing set of misanthropy set to music. Slight bits of psychedelia...
Gefunden 195 Lieder, Dauer: 13:06:18
Whooping Cough
Strawberry Cough
Cough Strike
환절기 (Cough)
Run Slow
Blunt Cough
Ritual Abuse
Run Two
Cough Drop
Killing Fields
A Year in Suffering
Acid Witch
Shallow Grave
Cough Drops (NeverHood)
Dry Cough
cough demo
Splutter Cough
Cough Syrup
Cough ( King LeeBoy)
cough drops
cough syrup
Cough Syrup
Mind Collapse
smoker's cough