Στέλιος Βαμβακάρης | de

Στέλιος Βαμβακάρης [Stelios Vamvakaris] (b. 1947) is a Greek popular composer and bouzouki player, the son of Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης. Born on 2nd March 1947, he has been a professional musician since the age of twelve, and has worked with many leading Greek musicians, including Γιώργος Ζαμπέτας, Καίτη Γκρέυ, Βίκυ Μοσχολιού, Λευτέρης Παπαδόπουλος, Σωτηρία Μπέλλου, Παύλος Σιδηρόπουλος, Νίκος Ξυλούρης, and Γιώργος Νταλάρας. He has written music for films (such as Μια μέρα τη νύχτα) and the stage. He has an interest in the connections between rembetika and the blues: in 1988 he collaborated with Louisiana Red on an eight-song album called...
Stelios Petrakis was born in 1975 and raised in Sitia, Crete. In 1983 he started lyra lessons in the Music School of Sitia with Yannis Dandolos (1983), Ross Daly (1984) and Helen Drettakis (1985-1993) under the supervision of Kostas Mountakis. He completed his studies in lyra in 1993. In 1993 he moved to Athens where he continued his studies in lyra under the guidance of Ross Daly and started studying relevant musical traditions (popular music of Anatolia, cosmic music and religious music of Constantinople, Greek traditional music) and instruments (saz, Constantinople and Cretan lute, bulgari, Constantinople lyra). In 1999 and...
Στέλιος Κερομύτης {Stelios Keromitis} (1903-1979) was a Greek bouzouki player, singer, and composer of rembetika. Keromitis was born in Piraeus, Athens, where he first performed in 1934. He was the classic mangas: well dressed, a hashish smoker, and a bouzouki player. Later he worked with Μάρκος Βαμβακάρης (Markos Vamvakaris) and with Βασίλης Τσιτσάνης (Vasilis Tsitsanis) from 1947 to 1950. He wrote about twenty-five songs and was known for his low growly voice which Tsitsanis compared to the "growl of a lion". He died on the 6th March 1979. .
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