Robotnicka | es

Pronounced "Robotneechka", Robotnicka is a dancing band of anarcho-geeks from Dijon France and Greensboro North Carolina. ROBOTNICKA's sound is a throw-your-toaster in the bathtub shock of beeps, hilarity, shrieks, and chants fronted by chanteuse ZESEAL GOUBET. Di$co-SyNTh-R!OT-PuNk hailing from Dijon France, ROBOTNICKA is the soundtrack to a revolution won by mischief, pranks, bombs, and laughing gas grenades. This is the singalong dancetrack to the fall of corporate empires and fascist governments. With technology designed to destroy technology, and robots to destroy robots, their instruments act as weapons, implements of sure doom for politicians and CEO's, the countdown to the surprises...