Naoki Kodaka | es

Naoki Maeda is a man of many talents, and making fine trance is but one of them. Premiering in Dance Dance Revolution, the NAOKI underground alias quickly became synonymous with quality trance amongst Bemani fans. Be it TEARS, Prelude, Poseidon, or something else entirely, there's definitely something for you here. .
Naoki Kodaka (小高直樹) is a Japanese composer who wrote many of the soundtracks to classic NES games, along with a few other systems. He worked for Sunsoft and is famous for utilizing the NES sound chip in unique ways (such as the PCM "Sunsoft bass", designed by Naohisa Morota). He is most known for writing the soundtracks for Journey to Silius, Batman (NES and Mega Drive), Blaster Master, Gremlins 2, the Albert Odyssey series, Super Fantasy Zone, and a few other titles. He was almost always assisted on his NES projects by sound programmers Nobuyuki Hara & Shinichi Seya, and...
NAOKI in the MERCURE is a pseudonym of the artist Naoki Maeda (前田尚紀), known by most as simply NAOKI. He is well known for his musical contribution to Konami's famous Bemani series of music and rhythm games. Other names used by Naoki include: Ω, 8bit, 180, 190, 190´, 200, Blue Destroyers, d-complex, D.J.RICH feat.TAILBROS, DE-SIRE, DIVAS, FACTOR-X, KTZ, Luv UNLIMITED, mitsu-O!, N&S, N.M.R, NAOKI 190, NAOKI underground, NM, No. 9, NW260, RE-VENGE, Stone Bros., UZI-LAY, and NC. .
Naoki Maeda (前田尚紀 Maeda Naoki) llamado simplemente Naoki, es un compositor japonés de música y productor que trabaja para Konami. A pesar de que Naoki ha participado en variados videojuegos como Salamander, su contribución más conocida es en la serie de juegos Bemani: él es el principal compositor de los juegos Dance Dance Revolution. La mayoría de sus canciones son firmadas bajo un seudónimo. Entre los fanáticos se especula que no es su verdadero nombre; "Naoki M." aparenta ser un anagrama de Konami. Esto ha llevado a pensar que es meramente un apodo. Sin embargo, no hay prueba sólida (excepto...