Houria Aïchi | fr

Houria Aichi is from Algeria. She sings songs rooted in the traditional Acoustic music of the Kabyle people, frequently referred to as Berbers. She sings in the shawiya style accompanied by bendir drums playing delicate, spatial rhythms from as far south as the Hoggar Mountains in the Algerian Sahara. .
OORUTAICHI is an artist from Japan, who began recording and performing in 1999, inspired by The Residents, The Doors, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Aphex Twin and Dancehall Reggae. Initial recordings were multi-layered improvisations using "real" instruments, toys and voice, evolving to composed songs using midi triggered instrumentation. His first album, "YORI YOYO", was released in 2003 to acclaim by Yamatsuka EYE (BOREDOMS), FREEROM (Skam Records) Daniel Wang and others, and received airplay on BBC Radio. He has been profiled in a number of Japanese magazines, and is very active in Japanese underground music His second CD on Okimi Records "Drifting My Folklore"...
There are two artists tagged under Taichi 1. Taichi is a relatively new german Rapper, his first Album was 2003 "Schwerer Shit" with his friend Mic , they have had an own Label. Later taichi joined "Krasscore Records". There he released 2004 "Legende von Morgen" , 2005 "Schnell Imbiz" and 2006 "Top Story". He grew up in berlin in a borough where the kids from american soldiers live, so he had early contact with rap-music. He early started to write texts , make beats and rap. His rap music is no gangster-rap. www.tightchi.com <- his Artistpage 2. A band that...
Powerpuff Girls Z Soundtrack, yo! .
Austrian pianist Oskar Aichinger is one of the world's unsung world-class improvisers. There is a mesmerizing quality to Aichinger's compositions, an ethereal dance with the gods that draws the listener into his special den of vaporous exaltation. Aichinger refers to his pieces as "Soundtreks," and there is often a movie-like quality to his melodies that almost always dissolves in the vicissitudes of the moment. Aichinger does not swing, but his music does mean many things, revealing new entryways and journeys through open-ended vessels. Never relying upon external flash or any sort of pompous glorification of super technique, Aichinger continues his...