Jean-Luc Ponty | fr

French sound sculptor Jean-Luc Guionnet (1966) is a jazz saxophonist who has recorded with a number of free improvisers: Erres (Shambala, 1999), with the group Schams (Eric Cordier on hurdy-gurdy, Eric Bruelebois on drums); Improvisation vol 1 (La Belle Du Quai, 1999), credited to Calx, a duo of drummer Edward Perraud and Guionnet; Return Of The New Thing (Leo, 2002), documenting a 2000 live performance by a quartet with Dan Warburton (piano), Francois Fuchs (double bass) and Edward Perraud (drums); Heur (2002), a collaboration with drummer Edward Perraud; etc. .
Jean-Luc Ponty (né le 29 septembre 1942, Avranches - ) est un violoniste et compositeur de jazz français. Premier prix de violon (classique) au Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, son attirance pour le jazz est due aux musiques de Miles Davis et de John Coltrane. Il nie toute influence de Stéphane Grappelli, qu'il appréciait pourtant beaucoup. Il est un des très rares musiciens français à avoir connu une véritable réputation internationale, d'abord via ses collaborations avec Frank Zappa et John McLaughlin, puis à partir de 75, s'inventant une carrière très personnelle, faite de sa grande culture classique, de...
Jean-Luc Godard (born 3 December 1930) is a French filmmaker and one of the most influential members of the Nouvelle Vague, or "French New Wave". Born to Franco-Swiss parents in Paris, he was educated in Nyon, Switzerland, later studying at the Lycée Rohmer, and the Sorbonne in Paris, where he studied ethnology. During his time at the Sorbonne, he became involved with the young group of filmmakers and film theorists that gave birth to the New Wave. Known for stylistic implementations that challenged, at their focus, the conventions of Hollywood cinema, he became universally recognized as the most audacious and...