Ordo Equilibrio Rosarius | fr

Pianist Gordon Webster has performed with Wycliffe Gordon, Grant Green Jr., Tim Hagans, Donny McCaslin, Ingrid Jensen, Chris Parker, Steve LaSpina, Jim Rotondi, Adam Nussbaum, Ron McClure, Chris Potter, Joel Frahm, and Jim Black among others. His playing has been showcased in numerous New York City venues including the Blue Note, The Iridium, Sweet Rhythm, The Cutting Room, Cleopatra's Needle, Makor, 92nd Street Y, Mannahatta Lounge, Kavehaz, Triad Theater, Smalls, Cafe Vivaldi, The Bar Next Door, St. Nick's Pub, Night and Day, and Dizzy's Club Coca-Cola. Webster graduated from the Manhattan School of Music Masters Degree in jazz studies program...
Mick Gordon (born 9 July 1985) is an Australian composer and sound designer whose compositions aim to transcend the perceptual boundary between music and its context. Mick’s work considers the role of music as a translation of the world in which it exists rather than a simple accompaniment. Through creativity, interpretation and collaboration he develops a meaningful exchange between the visual world and music culminating in the authorship of a unified original work of art. Mick utilises a broad range of modern musical sound design and traditional composition techniques in order to be unconstrained by any singular genre. His music...
z oficjalnej strony zespołu BORDO: Grupa Bordo powstała w Krakowie okolo 1995 roku. Muzyka, którą tworzyła i tworzy, jest łącznikiem pomiędzy rockową awangardą, psychodelią, tak zwaną nową falą lat osiemdziesiątych, space-rockiem, muzyką filmową, a bliżej nie dającą się określić muzyką przyszłości. Krótko mówiąc, ktoś powiedział, że jest to post-rock. Muzyce towarzyszą teksty, które zarazem są wierszami głównego ideologa grupy, R.S. Występowaliśmy zarówno na większych festiwalach muzyki alternatywnej, jak i w małych klubach i galeriach w naszym kraju. Na koncertach często towarzyszy nam oprawa wizualna w postaci slajdów lub filmów wideo. Nagraliśmy i wydaliśmy własnym sumptem dwie płyty życia. Trzecia płyta,...
Ordo Templi Orientis – belarusian band, created in 2004 by Gesmas Lvcen Waarg (aka Asmodey Nahema, also known by his Grieved Sometime Valley, Pant, Goat Occult Christgasm) in Grodno. First 4 years he worked alone, as a result – a lot of DEMOs of raw black metal. In 2008 Gabriel Van Abatth joined the project. At that time the first official release “Where Eternally Autumn Winds Blow” comes at Rigorism Production, genre: atmospheric / depressive black metal. After full-length album comes split CD-r with russian band Iad Uroboros at the same label - depressive black metal / post-rock, and EP...
Ruper Ordorika est un musicien basque, originaire de la ville d'Oñati, en Gipuzkoa (Pays Basque sud). Il est considéré comme un des compositeurs majeurs du rock basque. Depuis son premier disque, Hautsi Da Anphora (Xoxoa - Elkar) paru en 1980, il a utilisé sa grande connaissance de la chanson traditionnelle pour la modernisation de la chanson basque. Il se produira ensuite seul ou avec son groupe (Mugalariak), sortant de nombreux albums. Le musicien basque sort en avril 2008 un album enregistré en direct les 26 et 27 novembre 2006 au Kafe Antzokia de Bilbao, avec Mugalariak : Hamar t’erdietan-10:30 p.m.,...
A trouvé 84 Chansons, durée: 06:01:03
Anoint Me with Vomit, and Desecrate My Beliefs
Ménage à Trois - There Is Nothing to Regret
Ungezähmtes Land
Tango for the Concession of the Suspender Princess
Roses 4 Rome (feat. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio)
Who Stole the Sun from Its Place in My Heart?
From Copenhagen with Love
In High Heels Through Nights of Broken Glass
I Am the Sweetest of Devils
Erotisk Tillägnan
Ménage à Trois (There is nothing to regret)
First Death (Every Man Is a Moth to the Flame)
A Man Without War Is a Man Without Peace
06 - Roses 4 Rome (feat. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio)
Kiss Me Now [And I'll Be Silent Just 4 You]
Make Love, and War
And the Lions Devoured the Lambs
Do Murder and Lust Make Me a Man?
Regression and the Return to Paradise Extinct
Three Is An Orgy, Four Is Forever
Never Before at the Beauty of Spring
In the Midst of Flaming Ruins - Desire of the Few
Eucharist - Liturgy of 6
In Memories of Rome, We Live Forever
I W I L L; Even After The Flowers Are Gone
Hear the Sound of a Black Flame Rising
Love Conquers All
Roses For Rome (feat. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio)
Another Song 4 Hate & Devotion
Two Girls and a Goat (I Never Knew....)
In High Heels Through Nights of Broken Glass
Evil Wears a Mask with Your Name
Dream II (feat. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio)
Dream II (ft. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio)
Three Is An Orgy, Four Is Forever
Another Mary, Same Harlot
Glory To Thee, My Beloved Masturbator
The Perplexity of Eskil - I Celebrate Myself?
[Apocalips Kisses] in the Eyes of the Scarlet Ones
Dream II (Featuring Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio)
(Apocalips Kisses) In the Eyes of the Scarlet Ones
Confessions of A Sinflower
It Was the Day of Lucifer Rising