Oskar Lindberg | fr

Active:1989 to 2002; 2009. LINDBERG is a prolific Japanese pop rock band that released many albums (35 singles, 15 albums, and 12 best-of and singles collections) and videos (including movies and making-of featurettes) over its 15-year career. LINDBERG typically appealed to the junior high to early high school crowd, and was unique in that in the time of its inception in 1989, few Japanese "rock" bands had female members, much less a female lead singer. The band retired in 2002 following the marriage of the lead singer, Watase Maki, to the lead guitarist Hirakawa Tatsuya; rounding out the band were...
Páll Óskar Hjálmtýsson (born 16 March 1970), known internationally as Páll Óskar and Paul Oscar, is an Icelandic pop singer, songwriter and disc jockey. Páll Óskar's musical range spans traditional Icelandic songs, ballads, love songs, disco, house and techno. He released his first album, Stuð, in 1993 while in New York City, and also sang with Icelandic groups Milljónamæringarnir (The Millionaires) and Casino while establishing a career as a solo artist. His album of ballads, Palli, was the best-selling Icelandic album of 1995. Páll Óskar came to international attention when he performed Minn hinsti dans ("My Final Dance"), Iceland's entry...
OSKAR may refer to: A) A Russian Pop Star B) OSKAR is an incongruous collaboration between former Collapsed Lung bassist and fine artist Jonny Dawe and former Strangelove keyboard player and soundtrack composer Nick Powell, that feels comfortable calling itself art rock, and drawing on sources such as Krautrock, systems composers Michael Nyman and Steve Reich, Sonic Youth, folk-psych and ambient musics. OSKAR was originally formed not to rock the world in a dazed'n'confused manner, but in order to create an original soundtrack for performance art group The Max Factory, which was performed throughout Europe. Other OSKAR projects include the...
LEE OSKAR (1948.03.24/Copenhagen, Denmark - ) is a harmonica player born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1948, Oskar was six years old when a family friend gave him his first harmonica. "Everyone in my neighborhood was playing one that year," he remembers. "The next year, the fad was the yo-yo, but I had fallen in love with the harmonica, and stuck with it." He grew up listening to Danish radio, enjoying all types of music and cites Ray Charles as the biggest influence from that period. Oskar moved to the United States at the age of 18 with little more than...
Magnus Lindberg (né le 27 juin 1958 à Helsinki) est un compositeur finlandais. Il étudie la musique à l'Académie Sibelius auprès de Paavo Heininen puis quitte la Finlande pour Paris en 1981 où il étudie avec Vinko Globokar et Gérard Grisey. Il sera de fait marqué par l'école spectrale, même si on ne peut pas vraiment l'y rattacher. Ses premières œuvres et en particulier Kraft sont marquées par une grande violence et une prédominance du rythme. .
A trouvé 12 Chansons, durée: 52:41
Gammal Fabadpsalm fran Dalarna
Pingst a capella (Eric Ericsons Kammarkör)
Gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna
Från de stora skogarna
Gammal Fäbodpsalm Från Dalarna (1936)
Midsommarnatt (för damkör)
Morgonen (för damkör)
Fäbodpsalm av Oskar Lindberg
Stjärntändningen (för kör)
En längtans vals
Oskar Lindberg - Pingst
En gammal fäbodpsalm från Dalarna