Tim Larkin | fr

Patty Larkin est une auteure-compositeure originaire de Des Moines en Iowa (États-Unis) qui joue du folk-rock. Patty grandit au Wisconsin et baigne dans la musique dès son plus jeune âge. À l'âge de sept ans, Patty commence à apprendre le piano classique et, à l'école secondaire, elle apprend elle même à jouer de la guitare et à écrire des chansons. Elle commence à jouer des convers au collège et dans des cafés. Dans les années 1980's, elle déménage à Boston, Massachussets, et joue de la musique dans les rues de Cambridge et poursuit une formation en guitare jazz au Berklee...
Ross Hunter and Owen van-Larkins are Hunter Van Larkins. These two gifted young musicians met while studying music at Southbank College in Brisbane and soon afterwards began writing and performing their own unique brand of Celtic, Folk and Spanish flavoured acoustic guitar music. From their early compositions it was clear an extraordinary new talent had arrived on the Australian music scene. -Rob Poland - Candyrat Records .
Larkin Grimm court après les arcs-en-ciel. Elle est née il y a 26 ans à Memphis, a vécu ses premières années dans une communauté hippie, a passé les suivantes dans le cocon vert des Appalaches. Puis elle a reçu une bourse pour étudier à l’université de Yale, mais a préféré partir chasser les arcs-en-ciel en Thaïlande, au Guatemala et en Alaska, où une shaman indienne lui a sauvé la vie. Elle a bivouaqué avec des eco-warriors dans le Nord-Ouest américain. Elle a fait partie des Dirty Projectors. Un jour, elle est rentrée sans laisser d’adresse. Il paraît qu’aux beaux jours,...
Formed in Leeds, Yorkshire, in 2005, Sky Larkin are Katie Harkin (vocals and guitar), Doug Adams (bass) and Nestor Matthews (drums). They began life with long time friends and school mates Katie and Nestor rehearsing in bedrooms and garages before adding Doug to their ranks. From then on, their ascent has been rapid and exhilarating. Refusing to be musically pigeon-holed or viewed as a provincial concern, there’s a timeless, international scope to their music, echoing the likes of The Breeders, Violent Femmes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs and more. To compare Sky Larkin directly to any singular band or record however, would...
(1) Larkin = Sturgis Larkin Stentz / http://www.discogs.com/artist/Larkin (2) Larkin is a 6-piece Irish band from Tulsa, Oklahoma, playing mostly traditional Irish songs as well as original pieces written in much the same style. The band has been together since 2004; its record label is Know Records. (3) Larkin is also a 4-member Portuguese band from Viana do Castelo. It has also been in existence since 2004, with live performances starting in 2005. The band's record label is Mother Should Know Records. The band described itself as playing punk rock and being influenced "by music with no structure." .
A trouvé 195 Chansons, durée: 06:58:18
Minkata Constellations
K'Veer Yeesha Music
islmGalleryMusic Loop
Dota 2 - Reborn
Er'cana Music part 2
Prehorn (The International 2011 vers.)
Er'cana Music part 3
Er'cana Harvester Music
Ahnonay Sphere part 2
Yeesha Final Music
Immortal Dreams
Spore Me (ТМ)
Two Towers
Battle music 1
Ae'gura Palace
DotA 2 Main Theme
Tim Larkin - Exploring The Mine (Bonus)
In the Moud
Ahnonay Sphere part 1
Game Startup 1
Atrus Open (Uru: Ages Beyond Myst)
Interview (Uru: Ages Beyond Myst)
Tower Fall (Extended)
Bonus - The Old New Haven
Hero Select
Hero Select (The International)
Interview (ТМ)
What Kind Of Hospital Is This (Half-Life 2 Ep)
RedMist (Alternative)
Game Startup 2
Immortal Dreams (lp)
Main menu (➋)
Two Towers (Alternative)
Minkata Badlands-Reprise
Yeesha's Final Address
Game Startup
tmnaYeesha FinalMusic02
Death music
Tim Larkin - The Old New Haven (Bonus)