Blatta Inesha | fr

Spineshank is a Los Angeles, CA, USA Grammy-nominated alternative metal band. Began in February of 1996, rising from the ashes of a previous band, Basic Enigma (which included future Spineshank members Jonny Santos on vocals, Mike Sarkisyan on guitars, and Tom Decker on drums). Basic Enigma broke up but soon reformed with a different sound and moniker, and a new bassist (Robert Garcia). The band soon befriended Fear Factory guitarist Dino Cazares, who upon hearing their demo, offered the new band to open a show for F.F. at the Whiskey A-Go-Go in Los Angeles. This led to other coveted opening...
Né de l'association de Blatta, au gout prononcé pour le hip hop & Inesha, aux aptitudes rock, le duo electronique s'est placé en tête de liste des djs/producteurs de son pays. Le groupe italien n'a pas fini de faire parler de lui depuis ses collaborations avec des labels tels que Dim Mak, Lektroluv, Kitsune... .