CCCP | id

There is more than one artist with this name. 1) Italian band (correct name CCCP Fedeli alla Linea), formed in 1982 in Berlin, led by vocalist Giovanni Lindo Ferretti and guitarist Massimo Zamboni. 2) CCCP (or C.C.C.P.) was a German high-energy techno and rock band, led by Rasputin Stoy, aka Rai Streubel. They were best known for their 1986 instrumental American Soviets, released by Clockwork Germany. This six-minute song themed on the Cold War became a major hit at dance clubs and on the US Billboard Charts, German Top 75 and other European charts. Their follow-up singles - Made in...
CCCP Fedeli alla linea were an Italian band formed in 1982 in Berlin, led by vocalist Giovanni Lindo Ferretti and guitarist Massimo Zamboni. The genre was self-defined by the members themselves as "Musica melodica Emiliana / punk filosovietico" (“Melodic music of Emilia-Romagna / pro-Soviet punk") Their name, CCCP, is an intentional use of the Cyrillic acronym of "SSSR", (Russian: Союз Советских Социалистических Республик; transliterated Sojuz Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik); (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, abbreviated USSR). CCCP left behind the stereotypes of punk rock, and reached for a genre-defying convergence of punk, art rock, industrial music, folk, electropop, Middle Eastern music,...
Ditemukan 159 lagu, durasi: 11:02:09
CCCP (Next Version)
Союз Нерушимый
Hare, Krishna
Ne Mojet Bit
Олимпийский мишка
mass kva
Deeply Deep
V Shapke Profilja
земля в элюменаторе
CCCP Genius
strana nepugannih
Мой дельтаплан
ovols eendelsop
Приамурские партизаны
Ya Zdes
Гимн CCCP (1977)
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CCCP Hookah Mix 2
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Вячеслав Малежик - 200 лет
Deeply Deep
Engineer Pohoj
CCCP (Next Version)
Ya Zdes
Zrazy [CCCP Edits]