Elvira Michieva | id

"Elvira" can refer to two different performers: 1) Actress/model Cassandra Peterson has been performing as Elvira since 1981. 2) Singer/songwriter Elvira first discovered piano when she was 6 years old. After she finished piano school, she started writing songs and performed at different events. First album was recorded prior to her 15th birthday. Once she understood that she is missing something, she started studying seriously and did so for 6 consecutive years in which she conquered vocal, classic music, theater, and opera. After her studies, along with working as a host and creator of music television programs in the Ukrainian...
Эльвира Тугушева родилась 14 августа 1994 года, в городе Саратове. Не имея музыкального образования (девочку вовремя не отдали в музыкальную школу), она самостоятельно выучилась игре на синтезаторе и могла наиграть любую мелодию, полагаясь на свой музыкальный слух. Решив связать судьбу с музыкой, Эльвира ищет место, где бы она смогла обучиться вокальному мастерству, а заодно проверить свои музыкальные навыки. С 14-летнего возраста она начинает обучаться в вокальной студии и с этого момента стартует ее музыкальная карьера. Девушка много выступает на концертах, фестивалях и конкурсах своего города, имеет успех у зрителя. Тем не менее, в 16 лет Эльвира понимает, что не дело...
Elvira Nikolaisen (born 16 July 1980 in Moi) is a Norwegian singer-songwriter signed for Sony BMG. She released her debut single Love I Can't Defend in December 2005, it reached the number 3 spot on the Norwegian singles list. She followed up the hit with her first album, Quiet Exit, and a second single, Egypt Song, in March 2006. The album peaked at #2 in the Norwegian chart. She is from a musical family, her father is a church organist and her brother Emil is the vocalist and guitarist for Serena Maneesh, and her sister Hilma is the bassist for...
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