Fugitive Elf | id

There is more than one "Fugitive": (1) "Twerp Records is blowing minds this year. Fugitive released a menacingly caustic tape on the label this year that will definitely slaughter your ears. Angrily strained vocals are spit over dirty riffs, fuzzed-out bass and barbaric drum beatings. Their demo brings constant abuse to the senses. This hardcore punk result is energized to the absolute max and layered with grit." -CutAndPasteBlog- (2) Fugitive was a four piece from New York City / New Haven. They have since changed their name to Red Temples (3) Fugitive was formed in November 1990 inspired by such...
There are multiple artists named The Fugitives: 1. Garage band who released their sole LP The Fugitives at Dave's Hideout in the summer of 1964. 2. The Fugitives, a combination of multi-talented Vancouver artists Mark Berube, Barbara Adler, and Brendan McLeod, have been classified under many guises: slam folk, folk hop, spoken word cabaret. Yet a common throughline is always their remarkable storytelling abilities. That, and the fact that audiences all over the world have never seen anything like this blend of skilful musicianship and passionate performance poetry. Since their formation three years ago, The Fugitives have been everywhere, touring...