Hada to Hada | id

Khadaver is four piece Industrial/Electro/Blackened Metal band from Preöov, Slovak Republic. The band was formed in early 2006 by Nihil Nix has released two full lenght albums up to this date. 1. Formation and first demo (2006-2008) At the end of 2005, by placing the ad in various on-line forums and music shops, Nihil got response from a drummer Necrocyklo he briefly knew from other bands in Prešov. Then unnamed duo started to rehearse at the beginning of 2006. After few weeks of rehearsals, Necrocyklo's friend Hu-Zhvak was asked to join the band on bass guitar. The last member to...
Specialist and professional performer of traditional Middle Eastern folks and Arabo Andalusian songs, Syriac and Ancient Maronite chants, Ghada Shbeir has an exquisite talent and the ability to move easily and with professionalism from traditional folk songs to religious chants. She has earned frequent comparison to some of the best Middle Eastern singers. Born in Lebanon, after graduation from high school, Ghada Shbeir moved to the USEK (Universite St. Esprit - Kaslik - Lebanon) to pursue a music career. Her big break came as a soloist of the USEK choir that highlighted her professional talent throughout the media. After earning...
Imagine a childhood reared in the nether regions of imagination; a place where the extraordinary is all too commonplace. A place deep in the woods of Wisconsin, governed over by Godzilla cronies who pump the city streets full of assaulting wake-up calls from blow horn speakers. Steady streams of Pharaoh Sanders and Flipper rain down from clouds, as elementary school children sing praise to Green Lantern comics and Pere Ubu, while their older brothers and sisters set down their Alien Textbooks to rehearse No New York in preparation for the high school marching band. The place is Neo-Tokyo, Wisconsin, a...