Henrik Jansberg | id

Let's just pause for one second; now, think about all that music that has so enriched your life down the years. All of it, without fault, and regardless of any strict genre definitions, is soul music. If it flicks a switch deep inside you, speaks to you, comforts you and makes you feel good about yourself, then that, my friend, is soul music. German DJ and producer Henrik Schwarz understands this musical truth more than most.A long-time aficionado of those musical forms that are commonly rooted in some appreciation of this sonic legacy - funk, house, disco, jazz, techno, and...
Tuomas Henrikin Jeesuksen Kristuksen Bändi is a band from Oulu, Finland. Their music is referred as Electro-psychedelic post-muniinpuhaltelu-sludge-jazz doom-punk. Their new album ''Käkkyrällään'' is published at 7th of February. http://tuomashenrikki.bandcamp.com/ http://www.myspace.com/tuomashenrikki .
Born in Port Jefferson, NY, Tommy Henriksen was one of five children raised by a single father who worked multiple jobs to support his family. Henriksen's desire and love of music eventually led him to California, where he was unsuccessful so returned to New York City in 1991. He found work in construction and had a brief stint as a guitar and keyboard technician for Alice Cooper. Henriksen soon met British music producer Keith Forsey, who worked together on what would later become Henriksen's debut album. In 1998, Capitol Records executive Steve Patch heard Henriksen and was signed to his...
Henrik Hall (born March 5, 1947, died January 27, 2011) was well into his 50's when he debuted with 'Solo' in March of 2006. Henrik Hall is probably best known as 3rd leg in the danish pop trio Love Shop, where his idiosyncratic use of the harmonica as well as his stacatto-swing dancing made him very popular with the audience. In 2007, he gained Royal recognition, when he played at the ceremony of an annual culture prize awarded by the Danish Crown Prince couple. He was also awarded with the prize "P3 Respekten" in 2006 by danish national public service...
Henrik Ibsen (20 March 1828 – 23 May 1906) was a major 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet. He is often referred to as "the god father" of modern drama and is one of the founders of Modernism in the theatre. His plays were considered scandalous to many of his era, when Victorian values of family life and propriety largely held sway in Europe. Ibsen's work examined the realities that lay behind many facades, possessing a revelatory nature that was disquieting to many contemporaries. It utilized a critical eye and free inquiry into the conditions of life and issues...