MC Stojan | id

Nico Stojan's rise within the Berlin house scene started with a residency inside the famed walls of Bar 25. His sets there always had the Stojan stamp – tech house with modern injections of jazz and soul that honored his past as one of Berlin's best hip hop DJ's. When Bar 25 closed its doors, new ones had already begun to open, and his deep, almost pensive take on Berlin night music had him spending his weekends playing clubs such as Panoramabar, Watergate and of course, Bar 25's spawn, Katerholzig. A classically trained sax player, he often surrenders its sound...
Hristijan Stojanovski aka Hristian Stojanowski was born for Easter in Skopje (Capital Of Macedonia) in the eighties and currently lives in Nis (Serbia) In the beginning he was mostly about London pure techno sound but later goes on classic techno with modern groove, influenced a little bit with tech-house sound. With 16 years Hristian seriously starting with music production and mixing. The techniques of mixing he was learning alone and in local music stores. He was doing very well, so he getting offers fast from all the places around (Mostly countries from South-East and Central Europe) In 2008 he starts...