naomi goro | id

(1) Naomi is a German electronic duo. So far, they have released four albums, Everyone Loves You and Pappelallee, Aquarium and The big Shapes. (2) Naomi is a singer who has released electronic music in The Netherlands, being produced by a Dutch duo, consisting of D. van de Plas and R. Sauer. The biggest club hit by Naomi is without a doubt State of Mind (3) Naomi is a progressive/alternative rock band from Montreal, Canada. Their debut record Shelters and Lullabies was self-released in late 2006. (4) Naomi Chan is a UK R&B singer. Of her contemporaries today Naomi really...
There are several bands with the name Goro. 1) Goro is an experimental/doom metal band based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, named for the character Goro from the video game Mortal Kombat. In Mortal Kombat, Goro is a fighter with four arms. In order to replicate their namesake, the band's vocalists Adam Jaros and Brian Wiers tape themselves back-to-back during performances. Goro performs songs mostly written by Joel Schrauben who also performs solo as Gates McFadden and as part of the band Fields of Industry. Goro's first release, Henry Kissinger EP, was released on Arts Vs Entertainment in 2008. 2) Goro...
Gorgoroth, meaning “land of great despair”, is a black metal band from Bergen, named after the dark plains of Mordor in J.R.R.Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Led by guitarist Infernus (a.k.a. Roger Tiegs), it emerged in 1992 as a trio including vocalist Hat (‘Hate’ in Norwegian) and drummer Goat Pervertor. The band, based in Hyllestad, debuted on April 28th 1993 with a demo, entitled 'A Sorcery Written In Blood', featuring two tracks ‘Sexual Bloodgargling' and ‘(Under) The Pagan Megalith' preceded by the intro 'Gathered At Blåkulla', actually a minute plus of incoherent screaming. A further cassette, simply entitled 'Promo'94', captured...
Gorodisch is Stephen Cracknell, who also leads The Memory Band and is a member of The Accidental. Prior to releasing records as Gorodisch he performed as a guitarist on a number of tracks released by the now defunct Bristol label Cup Of Tea, including the elusive Grantby, while running a business importing obscure vinyl albums from America. He then went on to be one of the founder members of Trunk Records who released the 'Super Sounds Of Bosworth' series and 'The Wicker Man' OST. After 'The Wicker Man' release Cracknell left Trunk to concentrate on the making music. Gorodisch (the...
Nigoro is a Japanese team of three developers: duplex, Naramura and Samieru. Their real names are not known. The team originally started using the name GR3 Project and under that moniker they are best known for La•Mulana (2005), a game that was five years in development. Afterwards they changed the name to Nigoro and started working on smaller browser games that received a large following. .