Nicanor Zabaleta | id

Susana Zabaleta is a mexican performer/actress born in Monclova, Coahuila. She studied Opera in Florence, Italy, finalizing later the carrer of Concertist in the Superior School of Music in Mexico City. At the beginning of her career, she participated in the operas "La Traviata", "Elixir de Amor" and "Dido and Eneas" but to sing in Spanish the themes of Disney's "Pocahontas", was what gave her international projection. In 1998, she protagonized a mexican blockbuster; "Sexo Pudor y Lágrimas " Also it has participated in several soap operas and has gained international prizes. .
(January 7, 1907–June 16, 1993) was a Spanish world-class virtuoso and populariser of the harp. Zabaleta was born in San Sebastián, Spain, on January 7, 1907. In 1914 his father, an amateur musician, bought him a harp in antique shop. He soon began taking lessons from Vincenta Tormo de Calvo (Madrid Conservatory faculty) and Luisa Menarguez. In 1925 he began studies in Paris, where his teachers were Marcel Tournier and Jacqueline Borot. In 1926, in Paris, he made his own official concert debut. Then he travelled to the U.S. and there, in 1934 he made his North America debut. At...