Hell Militia | it

Hello Sleepwalkers is a Japanese rock band from Okinawa signed to A-Sketch and managed by AMUSE. The band consist of Shuntaro (vocals & guitar), Narumi (guitar & vocals), Tasoko (guitar), Makoto (bass) and Yuki (drums). The band debuted on October 5, 2011 with their debut single "センチメンタル症候群" (Sentimental Syndrome). Their debut album "マジルヨル:ネムラナイワクセイ" was released on January 18, 2012. .
Michelle Jacquet DeSevren Branch Landau (2 luglio 1983) è una giovane cantante di successo internazionale. Avvia precocemente la sua carriera artistica, iniziando a suonare la chitarra a quattordici anni, e firmando a diciassette anni per la Maverick Recording Company di proprietà di Madonna, con cui debuttò l'anno successivo con l'album The Spirit Room. Grande fan di Beatles, Jimi Hendrix e Led Zeppelin come sue primissime influenze, Michelle scrive la sua autobiografia prima dei vent'anni. Alla Maverick la affiancano produttori celebri come John Shanks e Shelly Peikens (che hanno già lavorato con artisti del calibro di Christina Aguilera, Chris Isaak e...
Gli Helloween sono un gruppo musicale Heavy Metal Tedesco attualmente formato da Andi Deris (voce), Michael Weikath (chitarra), Sascha Gerstner (chitarra), Markus Grosskopf (basso) e Daniel Loeble (batteria). Sono nati nel 1983 ad Amburgo, in Germania e sono considerati tra i capostipiti del sottogenere Power Metal. La prima formazione era composta da Kai Hansen (voce chitarra), Michael Weikath (chitarra), Markus Grosskopf (basso) e Ingo Schwichtenberg (batteria). Soprannominati Le Zucche di Amburgo, sono annoverati tra i precursori del Power Metal e tra le più conosciute ed influenti band della storia musicale Tedesca e Mondiale nel loro genere. Gli esordi (1978-1986) La...
Eddy Mitchell (born Claude Moine July 3, 1942, Paris) is a French singer and actor. He began his career in the late 1950s, with the group Les Chaussettes Noires (The Black Socks), taking his name from the American expatriate tough-guy actor Eddie Constantine (later the star of Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville). The band performed at the Parisian nightclub Le Golf Drouot before signing to Barclay Records and finding almost instant success; in 1961 it sold two million records. Heavily influenced by American rock & roll, Mitchell (who went solo in 1963) has often recorded outside France, at first in London, but...
Trovato 86 canzoni, durata: 10:25:14
Shoot Knife Strangle Beat & Crucify
Fili Diaboli
Last Station On the Road to Death
The Pig That Became a God
Born Without Light
Born Without Light
Always the Same
The Ultimate Deception
Et Inferno Ego
Unshakable Faith
2012 - Jacob's Ladder - side-A
[2012] Jacob's Ladder
Shoot Knife Strangle Beat And Crucify
Et In Inferno Ego
[2008] The Wine of Satan - Volume II
The Pig That Became a God
Fili Diaboli
Psalm IV - Prophecy From The Mutilated Children
Psalm I - Burning Human Pigs
Psalm VIII - Goathrone
Psalm VII - Blood From The Pig
Psalm II - Torture Of The Saints
Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat & Crucify (GG Allin)
Hell's Militia
Burning Human Pigs
2010 - Last Station On The Road To Death - Side-A
2010 - Last Station On The Road To Death - Side-B
Psalm V - Dead Children's Choir
Psalm IV - Prophecy From the Mutilated Children
Psalm III - Black Arts Of Crime
Psalm IX - Ritual / Psalm X - Years Ago
Prophecy From The Mutilated Children
PSALM IV. Prophecies of the Mutilated Children
[2003] The Second Coming [Rehearsal]
2012 - Jacob's Ladder - side-B
2005 - Canonisation of the Foul Spirit
Black Fucking Cancer
[2010] Last Station On The Road To Death
Psalm VIII - Goathrone
Blood From The Pig
Shoot Knife Strangle Beat & Crucify
Psalm IX - Ritual
Goat Throne
[2001] SPK Kommando [Split]
The Ultimate Deception
Prophecies of the Mutilated Children
Dead Children's Choir
The Ultimate Deception