Jason Pfaff | it

Jason Thomas Mraz (Mechanicsville, 23 giugno 1977) è un cantautore statunitense. Jason Mraz è un artista eclettico che raccoglie influenze da molti stili diversi, tra cui pop, rock, folk, jazz, country ed hip hop. Ha suonato con molti artisti come i Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Dave Matthews Band, James Blunt, Gavin DeGraw, Paula Cole, John Popper, Alanis Morissette, gli Ohio Players, Rachael Yamagata e Jewel. Mraz è nato e cresciuto a Mechanicsville, un sobborgo di Richmond, in Virginia. Si è dipomato alla Lee-Davis High School a Mechanicsville. Dopo un periodo passato studiando musical alla American Musical and Dramatic Academy a...
The thing about getting to know Jason Gray is that you immediately want to share him with other people. In that way Jason is a lot like a good movie, or a great book, or some barely discovered band whose music makes you remember what it was you liked about music in the first place. Which brings us full circle, because Jason’s unique brand of emotional, thought-provoking, alternative-pop is that sort of music, and listening to it isn’t much different than having Jason Gray sitting in your living room and telling you what’s on his mind. In either case, you...
Jason Becker è un musicista statunitense. Ex-chitarrista rock e heavy metal, nella sua breve ma intensa carriera ha raggiunto una grande popolarità nell'ambito della musica virtuosa. La sua decollante attività venne bloccata dal suo degenerante stato di salute, che lo costrinse infine alla paralisi a causa della sindrome di Lou Gehrig. Anche se non più capace di suonare la chitarra, Becker è in grado di continuare la sua professione con l'aiuto del computer e con il sostegno di altri musicisti. Nato il 22 luglio 1970 (altre fonti sostengono che sia nato invece il 22 luglio 1969), Jason già a 16...
For anyone looking to brand Jason Aldean as part of a significant musical movement, good luck. There’s a lot about the singer that’s become familiar during his five years as a country hitmaker, after all, he has spent more weeks at #1 on the radio charts than any other country artist in the last 12 months. But none of what he does comes out quite like anyone else. The blues-tinged licks at the end of his phrases—there’s a ring of familiarity about them, but you can’t really link them to another artist. The smoky guitar riffs that have become a...
Jason Paige is a talented voice artist who has sung innumerous jingles and even been on tour with such artists as Enrique Iglesias, Ashanti, and Ricky Martin. His ever-famous solo, however, is the Pokémon Theme. His voice writing and production successfully spans many creative frontiers of music and theatre from Pop to Jazz, Hip-Hop to Rock, Soul to Country and beyond. Jason’s one-man show, performed at the 2007 L.A. Comedy festival, is filled with socio-political sexual-logical musical parody, confessions, and impersonations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a vocalist Jason shared the stage with Michael Jackson as the rap soloist for the hit song...