Milton Henry | it

Holly Henry (born Holly Mae Heinrich, March 31, 1994) is a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist from Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA. She was a competitor on Season 5 of The Voice. Her audition song "The Scientist" charted in the Top 10 on two Billboard charts and maintained a 4 week run. She won her Battle Round with "Torn" but was eliminated in the Knockout Round singing "Creep." Holly maintained her fan base after elimination by releasing weekly covers on SoundCloud and YouTube, as well as four original singles on Bandcamp. She released her first album, "The Immigrant" as an EP on iTunes on Dec. 16,...
Pierre Henry è un compositore francese di musica elettroacustica. Dopo un'infanzia passata nelle campagne francesi, Henry, nel 1973, si iscrive al Conservatorio di Parigi all'età di dieci anni per studiare percussioni e composizione. Riceve quindi gli insegnamenti di Nadia Boulanger (composizione), Olivier Messiaen (armonia) e Felix Psseronne (Piano e percussioni). Nel 1949 incontra Pierre Shaeffer negli studi della RTF (Radiodiffusion-télévision française). Da questo incontro nasce l'opera Symphonie Pur Un Homme Seul , un lavoro fondamentale per lo sviluppo della Musique Concréte. Da questa grande amicizia nascono così i lavori del gruppo di ricerca sulla musica concreta. Nel 1959 Henry abbandona...
Hamilton Leithauser is lead singer and guitarist for the New York indie rock band The Walkmen. Hamilton Leithauser began his solo career when his band, The Walkmen announced they were going on ''extreme hiatus''. .