Nikki Forova | it

Vi sono 3 artisti che rispondono al nome Nikki: Fabrizio Lavoro, Nicolette Louisa Palikat ed un cantante dance. Fabrizio Lavoro (Foggia, 7 luglio 1971) è un chitarrista, cantante e disc-jockey italiano. La carriera artistica inizia nel 1990 a DeeJay Television ed a Radio Deejay, dove lavora tuttora, con parentesi a Radio Capital. Nel 1994 ha pubblicato l’album Rock normale, partecipando al Festivalbar e vincendo il concorso Disco per l’estate con «L'ultimo bicchiere», canzone scritta da Max Pezzali che appare come guest star nella versione della canzone incisa nell’album. Nel 1997 ha collaborato con Jovanotti, suonando la chitarra prima dei concerti....
Nikki Clan is a Mexican rock band that originated in Nogales and Mexicali, in northern Mexico. In January of the year 2005, Alberto Espinoza, who used to be part of the independent group "The Meats" of Nogales, Sonora, contacts the producer Abelardo Vázquez to check their music; two months later, "The Meats" receive the invitation of the producing one to integrate in the main voice to Yadira Gianola, and it is as well as the band was born. In April of the 2005 they begin to work together in the recording of some we give as "Mírame" and "Dímelo a...
Nikki Giovanni has written more than two dozen books, including volumes of poetry, illustrated children’s books, and three collections of essays. The civil rights and black power movements informed her early poetry, collected in Black Feeling, Black Talk (1968), Black Judgement (1968), and Re: Creation (1970). Giovanni then wrote poems for children throughout the next decade. Those Who Ride the Night Winds (1983) acknowledged notable black figures. Giovanni collected her essays in the 1988 volume Sacred Cows...and Other Edibles. Her three most recent works are Love Poems, Blues: For All the Changes, and Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea; Poems and Not...
Nikki Flores was born in 1988, is an American singer. In 2005, she released her first single "Strike" written by Denise Pearson of the British pop group Five Star. In 2007, she was going to release her debut album, "This Girl," but was dropped from her label. She's currently a SonyATV Songwriter and co-wrote Empty Words with Christina Aguilera. She also did background vocals for Keyshia Cole's Missing Me. .