Nikolaj Znaider | it

Danish singer-songwriter, guitarist and producer, who was born in 1965. Founding member of Trains and Boats and Planes (tbp) . He released his first solo album, "Navnløs" (Nameless), in 1996. Since then he has released several solo albums - the latest, "det naturlige" , in 2014. Apart from this, he is the frontman of the band Rhonda Harris (rh) and the head of his own record label, Auditorium. Track list (as artist): 1991: Hum (mini) - (tbp) 1992: Engulfed -(tbp) 1993: Minimal Star - (tbp) 1995: Rhonda Harris - (rh) 1996: Navnløs 1997: Nye Optagelser 2000: Hvad Er Det Der...
Nikolaj Grandjean was born in 1973 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Discovering his music talent early on, he started with writing songs for birthdays as a child. At early age he learned to play drums and was writing rap-lyrics, before moving on to playing guitar as a teen. Unlike his peers, Nikolaj instantly began writing his own material, instead of learning how to play known songs. At the beginning of his career Grandjean played in various rock bands, never really enjoying having to share the song writing with others. In collaboration with Danish singer Tanja Thulau and producer Per Vibskov he signed...
Born in Denmark to Polish-Israeli parents, Znaider studied with the eminent Russian pedagogue Boris Kushnir and drawing on this eclectic background his playing has been heralded in the Strad Magazine as “extraordinarily intelligent, soulful and impassioned, yet without a hint of indulgence” and the Chicago Tribune said “Perhaps not since the young Gidon Kremer burst upon the violin world in 1970 has a violinist caused quite the stir of Nikolaj Znaider” .
Nikolaj Christensen startede i forskellige Københavnske bands i 1986-1987 og blev frontfigur i bandet Shoeshine, der spillede flittigt på københavnske spillesteder. Han fik en solokontrakt og udgivelsen af hans første album "Piloter" i 1989 blev en salgssucces. Med sin rustne stemme og iørefaldende rocknumre blev Nikolaj Christensen et teenageidol fra den ene dag til den anden. Samtidig fik populærpressen øje på den fotogene sanger. Ved Grammy-uddelingen i 1990 fik han prisen som "Bedste nye navn". Der blev lagt så meget mærke til ham, at han fik tilbudt hovedrollen i Gabriel Axels film "Christian". To år senere medvirkede han i filmen...
Nikolaj Steen (born 10. februar 1967 in Copenhagen) is a danish singer, songwriter, producer, drummer and actor He is son of Niels Jørgen Steen and brother to Paprika Steen. Nikolaj Steen started out as poprock singer. In 1990 he moved to the big apple and got a contract with Imago. A major breakthrough did not result and Steen returned to Denmark where he has concentrated his efforts and production work and acting. He has produced, arranged and drummed for Sanne Salomonsen a.o.. .

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