Ann Heymann | ja

A master in the performance and traditions of the Gaelic harp, Ann Heymann continues to spearhead the instrument's revival. From the start she chose to play in the traditional manner: resting the harp on her left shoulder so the right hand plays the bass and the left hand plays the treble, striking the brass strings with her fingernails, and damping with the fingerpads. Known for her symbiotic relationship with her instrument and her ability to wed performance practice with the recorded literary tradition, Ann is the first modern harper * to interpret fingernail and damping techniques detailed in the Welsh...
Werner Richard Heymann was born on the 14th February 1896 in Koenigsberg. He came to Berlin in 1912 and initially wrote serious music. In 1918 his "Rhapsodic Simphony" received its première with the Vienna Philharmonic under the Musical Direction of Felix Weingartner. From 1918 - 1919 Heymann, together with Friedrich Hollaender, is Musical Director of Max Reinhardt's cabaret, "Schall und Rauch", for which Heymann and Hollaender engage Mischa Spoliansky as third pianist and composer. Heymann writes for Rosa Valetti and her cabarets, "Cabaret Groessenwahn" and "Die Rampe", and between 1921 and 1923 he is Musical Director of Trude Hesterberg's cabaret,...