Branco ou Tinto | ja

*ryuta kodo - guitar, vocal *genta tomikawa - bass *tomohito yoshijima - drums 1999年ryutaを中心に結成。同年夏頃から吉祥寺、三軒茶屋をメインにライブ活動を始める。その傍ら音源を制作し、自主制作CD-R『maikotobranco e.p.』をデモとして配布、販売する。  メンバーの脱退、加入を繰り返して、2000年の春から現在のメンバー+ギターが揃うが、同年10月にギターリストが脱退し、現在は3人で活動中。  COTDナラサキさんに負けるとも劣らぬsweet voiceがcoolなオケにのっかっています。 .
Nila Branco gravou seu primeiro disco independente em 1998 e dois anos depois, pela Abril Music, lançou o CD "Parte II". Com a música "Diversão", que fez parte da trilha sonora novela "Desejos de Mulher", da TV Globo, ficou conhecida no cenário nacional. Nila Branco é da EMI, onde gravou seu terceiro disco em 2004 com o título "Tudo o que Eu Quis". Natural de Abaeté, cidade pequena do interior de Minas Gerais, Nila mudou-se com a irmã para Goiânia, durante a adolescência, para estudar e trabalhar. Como maneira de se manter, começou a se apresentar em bares da capital...
José Mário Branco is a portuguese musician and composer. He began his career under the portuguese fascist regime and was persecuted and exiled in France. He worked with José Afonso and Sérgio Godinho, among other proeminent names of portuguese music. With a strong personality and a rarely seen coherence in his resistent's beliefs he worked also for theatre and cinema. Some of his most known works are "Ser Solid(t)ário", "Margem de Certa Maneira", "A noite" and the iconic "FMI", where the portuguese revolutionary movement, with his dreams and frustrations, finds a musical synthesis. This last work, according to the author...
Waltel Branco (Paranaguá/PR, Nov 22, 1929) is teacher, composer and Brazilian conductor. More than 20 records launched up to 2006, beyond which were arranjador or participated approximately in some way of 1000 historical records of Brazilian music. .
The Satintones were an American R&B group who recorded together in the late 1950s and early 1960s. They are notable as the first group ever to record for the Motown label. The original members were Charles "Chico" Leverett, Sonny Sanders, James Ellis, and Robert Bateman. The group went through a line-up change in 1961, Leverett leaving the group and being replaced by two new members, Vernon Williams and Sammy Mack. They recorded six singles for the Motown label between 1959 and 1961, though they never scored a hit record. The group disbanded at the end of 1961. Sonny Sanders (77)...