Celia Mara | ja

Jysi And Josh From FRESNO, CA. A married couple who decided to make music for the love of music! On July 25, 2011, the music of Amarante first appeared on SoundCloud and has since generated over a half a million plays as well as securing the #7, #14 and #24 spots (as of 5/6/2014) for three separate tracks on SoundCloud. However, it all had to start from somewhere. The music that you hear is self produced from a small bedroom in Southern California where the songwriting, recording, mixing and mastering comes alive. Using just a single mic, a keyboard, a...
2008年、スウェーデンのイエテボリで結成。スウェーデン人とデンマーク人のメンバーからなる。 元々はAvalancheというバンド名であったが、法律的な問題から現在の名前に変更している。   女性ヴォーカル・デスヴォイスボーカル・男性クリーンヴォーカルのトリプル・ヴォーカルスタイルという珍しい構成でも話題になり、デビューアルバム「AMARANTHE」は、スウェーデンで35位、フィンランドでは16位にチャートインとヒットし、一躍シーンの最前線に躍り出た。 2011年にはLOUD PARKに参加するため来日。日本のオーディエンスの前で演奏を披露した。   2013年、2ndアルバム「The Nexus」を発表。スウェーデンで6位、フィンランドで4位と前作を大きく上回る大ヒットとなり、押しも押されぬ大人気アクトへと成長。ヘヴィメタルという音楽が幅広い層にアピールしうる魅力を持つ音楽だということを改めて知らしめた。 Elize Ryd - clean female vocals (Toured: Kamelot) Jake E - clean male vocals (Dreamland, Dream Evil) Andreas Solveström - guttural vocals (Cipher System, Within Y) Olof Mörck - guitar & keys (Dragonland, Nightrage) Morten Løwe Sørensen - drums (The Cleansing, Koldborn, Mercenary) Johan Andreassen - bass (Engel) .
Celia Cruz (born as Úrsula Hilaria Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alfonso in La Habana, Cuba on 21 October 1925 – died 16 July 2003) was a Cuban-American and was one of the most successful salsa performers of the 20th century, having earned twenty-three gold albums. She was renowned internationally as the "Queen of Salsa" as well as "La Guarachera de Cuba. In 1950, Cruz made her first major breakthrough, after the lead singer of the La Sonora Matancera, a renowned Cuban orchestra, left the group and Cruz was called to fill in. Cruz was hired permanently by the orchestra,...
Genre: Black Pagan Metal Lyrical themes: Paganism, Epic, Life, Death... Origin: Macedonia Formed in: 2003 Current Label: Alatir promotions Current line-up: Andrej Karadzoski - Vocals, guitar Goran Ilievski - guitar Vladimir Dimitrovski - bass Risto Alcinov - drums Additional notes: Maras has recorded 5 songs in 2005 along with the demo "Himni od devette kralstva" (from the "Hellfire's Trinity" split) which are not and never will be officially released. The only way to reach them is a personal contact with the band. The name of this unofficial demo is "Piskotot na zimskite mugri" (The howl of the winter dawns). Discography:...
There are more than one spanish female artist named TAMARA: 1) Tamara (Macarena Valcárcel Serrano) nació el 27 de junio de 1984 en Sevilla. Su abuelo era el cantante Rafael Farina. Está casada con Daniel Roque y en pocos días será madre de una niña. Comienzos: Tamara se dio a conocer gracias a la televisión. Siendo una niña, acudió a un programa de 'cazatalentos' que presentaba Bertín Osborne. Interpretó el tema central de la película 'Pocahontas' y quedó tercera. A partir de ese momento, su carrera empezó a subir como la espuma. Con solo 12 años grabó su primera canción,...