Nueva Era | ms

Nueva Germania is an industrial/ambient/experimental project from Germany, the members are Klaus Jochmann, Josef N and Alexander Llende. The name itself comes from the Nueva Germania settlement in Paraguay, which was founded in 1888 as a racially pure utopian settlement of the Aryan race. .
¨ALIKA IS THE REALITY OF ROOTS, THE KINDNESS OF REGGAE, DANCEHALL STRENGTH AND SINCERITY OF HIP HOP¨ (by Lia Samantha) She’s a worthy representative of the Latin American dancehall scene, an iconic figure of the fight against injustices and violence in the Argentine and Latin American “barrios”… Alika started her career in 1994 with a band, but she quickly took wing and set up a solo career which leaded herself beyond her expectations! Recognized too as an hip hop artist, Alika wakes the reggae world in Argentina with engaged lyrics, breathtaking energy and remarkable stage presence. A Molotov cocktail which...