Silvester Belt | ms

Beltane ( A black metal band from New Zealand (Nelson), formed in 1994 . Not to be confused with 1. Beltane (Bra) - heavy metal 2. Beltane (Mex) - death/progressive/electronic metal - 3. Beltane (Swe) - black metal - 4. Beltane (Ger) - progressive death metal - 5. Beltane (Au) - melodic/atmospheric/electronic band with female vocals - Current line-up Xanataph-Guitar/Vocals Dyrkyn - Drums Kvathairein - Bass Noslohcin - Guitar Former/past member(s) Thyiendalen-synthesizers Discography Rehersal April 1995 Demo, 1995 MCMXCIX Demo, 2001 Summer Solstice Live '04 Live album, 2004 NorthSun Single, 2005 Midnight on the Glen...
Joey Beltram (born 6 November 1971) is an American DJ and record producer, known best for the pioneering techno music recordings "Energy Flash" and "Mentasm". Though he has never belonged to any particular urban scene, he has nevertheless fascinated his audience through his musical independence. Nor can he as a “non-Manhattaner”, be counted as part of the New York scene: ”...with my productions I have to have my own sound”. His tracks present what he sees, whatever is running through his mind at the time or things he has lived through and experienced in all the years as a musician...
Silvester was an indie pop/rock band from Hamburg, Germany. check them out: .