Tutti Frutti | ms

Tuttifruti is an Italian dance project, that was produced by Robyx (R. Zanetti). The female vocalist for this DWA project is Clara Moroni. The music was composed by Robyx and the lyrics composed by Alexia and Sandy Chambers (who did background vocals along with Vivy and Bob). It was engineered by F. Alberti, recorded and mixed by Casablanca Recording in Italy. Intro voice was done by Ronnie Jones. The MC was Alessandro "Falcon" Terzi. Singles: "Superboy" (1998) .
Tutti Frutti je grupa iz Splita koja je počela s radom sredinom 80-ih pod imenom Tutti Frutti Balkan Band, da bi dvije godine kasnije promijenila ime u Tutti Frutti Band. Prvi pjevač bio je Ivo Amulić, iz Duća pored Omiša. Spoj hit-makera Nenada Ninčevića i dubokog glasa Amulića, te ostalih glazbenika (jedan dio danas svira u splitskom duu Dalmatino - Sunara i Jagnjić) dao je dobitnu i zaraznu kombinaciju dalmatinskog štiha i rocka 80-ih. Iza njih su brojni hitovi u maniri dalmatinskog rocka, šašavih pjesama o ljubavi, buntovnicima i ljepoticama te prekrasnim baladama. Vrijeme ratnih prilika u Hrvatskoj bilo je...
Cosey Fanni Tutti (born Christine Carole Newby on 4 November 1951, in Hull, England) is best known as a performance artist and for her time in Throbbing Gristle and Chris & Cosey. Before both of these she was a performer with COUM Transmissions in 1969. Her addition changed the nature of the group which, when she joined, was still mostly a musical venture. From that point on, COUM performances became events or, in sixties parlance, happenings, involving props, costumes, dance, improvisation and street theatre. Cosey continues to release solo recordings, including a retrospective deluxe box set with many photos and...
Circle: Tutti Sound Arranger: ネオ .
Vad Fruttik is a Hungarian alternative/ pop/rock group from Veszprém, Hungary. Founded in 2005, they had roots in post-grounge and dance music, from that they evolved their own style noted above. In 2005, after being played on Radio Café they gained a certain popularity in the alternative mainstream. Their first LP came out in 2006, called Rózsikámnak digitálisan at Mama records. After this they played at several big hungarian festivals, such as Sziget, VOLT, Hegyalja, EFOTT and Balatone. Their Second album Egy éjszaka Bohémiában (One night in Bohemia) came out in the november of 2008 and singles such like "Kemikáliák",...