Walrus Porn | ms

El piquete se fundió a finales del '98, para ser inexactos el 2 de mayo a las 3 de la tarde teniendo como fundidores a: Ciro Javier Díaz Penedó como bajo y arpa, Luis David González en la batería, la flauta plástica y la triola de palo, Gorki Águila como guitarra y voz soprano (el se cree que es el director). Formato con el que grabaron un demo subtitulado "Pol' tu culpa" de cuatro canciones, producido por Abel González. Porno Para Ricardo Había otra vez, otro día, en que se apareció un niño a aquilar un Atari o a comprar...
Porn On Beta was formed in June 2000 by principal songwriter Corey Hobbis, as a solo project, but then blossomed into a band, when James O'Brien joined as lead vocalist. Before joining on with Porn On Beta, James was the founder of the extremely popular internet radio station RantRadio, which specialized in the style of music that Corey was creating. The band recorded their first Album "Welcome To Real Life" and released it independently in March 2002, to some critical acclaim. The live unit exploded from two people to five, including a female singer/guitarist,bass player, and percussionist. After some shows...
The Flowerpornoes are a German alternative indie rock band from Duisburg with blues and folk influences and mostly German lyrics. The lead guitar player and lead singer is Tom Liwa. The line-up of the band changes from time to time and every now and then they tour Germany. Tom Liwa also sometimes plays solo without any band, accompanying himself on the acoustic guitar. .