Robo Grigorov | nl

There are multiple artists named Ouroboros: 1) A black metal band from Canada. 2) A brutal death metal band from France. 3) An esoteric dark ambient act from Italy. 4) A death metal band from Australia. 5) A doom metal band from Pittsburgh, PA, United States. 6) A visual kei band from Japan (see OUROBOROS) 7) A five-piece band from St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Raw, energetic sound of horns and percussion. Detailed biographies: 1) Ouroboros Is a black metal band from Edmonton, Canada. They released a handful of demos, an EP and a split before releasing their full...
Band from Pottsville, USA; active since 2011. The sounds of dirt pouring out of old souls that were sold for the sake of rock n' roll. Space rock n' roll. Whatever it is, you can't help but to feel your ears being dipped in nostalgia then taken to another dimension and back again with the songs of Crobot. A quartet from central Pennsylvania, conjure up sonic ghosts and stories that seemingly were interpreted from crop circles. For fans of Clutch, Wolfmother, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Rage Against the Machine, or Soundgarden, and if ten more bands that influenced Crobot's sound...
Robots consists of the artist Takuya Asanuma. Former guitarist of Judy and Mary, he started his own solo project making poppy rock songs. He later dropped the name and simply went under his own name. .
Robot Goes Here is David Rand: see Punk rock expatriate Dave Rand spent his teenage years in vans touring the east coast - 12 bands in 8 years. When the final group disbanded in 2004, Rand sat down to write, alone with a laptop. He loved it and he began to record. Rand delivers the same intense, high-stakes show that he always has, complete with jumps, kicks and mic tosses. The only difference is that now he performs alone on stage with a laptop and a microphone. Audiences who haven't experienced Rand's format are initially stunned. The most common...
Pronounced "Robotneechka", Robotnicka is a dancing band of anarcho-geeks from Dijon France and Greensboro North Carolina. ROBOTNICKA's sound is a throw-your-toaster in the bathtub shock of beeps, hilarity, shrieks, and chants fronted by chanteuse ZESEAL GOUBET. Di$co-SyNTh-R!OT-PuNk hailing from Dijon France, ROBOTNICKA is the soundtrack to a revolution won by mischief, pranks, bombs, and laughing gas grenades. This is the singalong dancetrack to the fall of corporate empires and fascist governments. With technology designed to destroy technology, and robots to destroy robots, their instruments act as weapons, implements of sure doom for politicians and CEO's, the countdown to the surprises...
Gevonden 92 liedjes, looptijd: 05:55:43
Spoveď chuligána
Čierne tulipány
ky ta mam
Úlohy (feat. Robo Grigorov)
Kym ta mam
Modlitba lásky
Modlitba lásky
Potkan kráľ
Niekedy nestačí...
Kým ťa mám
Tajomstvá starej izby
Mám 300 mesiacov
Pocta Majakovskému
Fuyara beat
Žuvačka za uchom
Listen to me
Klamať som si nezvykol
Bosý a sám
Kým a mám
Zbohom zásadám
Posledný valčík pre Európu
Pressburg house extremix
Kým ťa mám
Mám tristo mesiacov
Bol raz jeden žiak
Laska pivo anjel smutok
Valčik pre Európu
Aká vlastne si
Je suis belge
Urob mi kávu a len tak odíď (epilóg)
Miss padlých anjelov
Mam 300 mesiacov
The old age
Všetci sa zídeme v jednej posteli
Pocta Majakovskemu
Night in the opera