Sinem Saniye | nl

Sinema is Kiko and Stephane Deschezeaux, two french dj's and producers who also collaborate under their own names, as well as under the aliases Kiko and Gino S, You and Me, and Mix Machine. They released one full length CD in 2002, 'Love Emulator,' and a number of EPs. .
Sinem Saniye (b. 1979 is a German-born, U.S.-based songwriter, singer, and guitarist of Turkish descent. Born on the 27th September 1979 in Munich, Germany, Saniye's ethnic roots are in Turkey. Her family was living in Germany while her father received treatment for liver cancer. Sadly, he died when his daughter was just two weeks away from her first birthday. His last wish was for her to leave Germany and travel to the United States to receive her education. To honour this request, his widow took her daughter (then three years old) to New York City to attend The Calhoun School...