Wouter Vercruysse | nl

Geboren op 2 april ’83 in Merksem ! Intussen is Wouter Declerck uitgegroeid tot één van de bekendste inwoners van Merksem. Door zijn deelname aan Idool werd hij een tijd geleden gehuldigd als de jongste ereburger van Merksem ! Aanleiding was uiteraard zijn deelname aan IDOOL 2004. Intussen kent heel Vlaanderen de man met de rauwe stem: Wouter De Clerck. Die deelname aan Idool 2004 verliep anders niet vlekkeloos. In Antwerpen waar hij voor het eerst op de ster stond, zong hij ‘Jessy’ van Joshua Kadison. In de Capitole zat hij, inmiddels met blonde haardos in de twijfelgroep, niemand had...
Wouter Veldhuis is an enigmatic German musician who promulgates minimalistic drone compositions, incorporating elements of industrial atmospherics and bass-intensive dark ambience in the vein of Klaus Wiese, Rapoon and Waterscape Records labelmates Light of Shipwreck and Taiga Remains. His key instrument is the guitar, its tones modulated and ramified through a vast array of effects and filters, and the mood is largely pensive and nocturnal throughout his repertoire. As of the time of writing, Veldhuis has recorded two albums: Satumaa, issued by Waterscape records in December 2008 and The Endless Now, issued by Organic Industries in May 2011. .
The sparkle in his eye balances the weight of his words. ‘It’s been quite a year.’ Wouter Hamel, whose first two albums, ‘Hamel’ and ‘Nobody’s Tune’ captured hearts in his native Netherlands and spread like wildfire throughout Europe, Japan, and Korea, is back with his new record, ‘Lohengrin’, after a long and winding road full of surprises; not all of them pleasant. ‘This year has been one full of adventure.’ Being confronted with the painful breakup of a 9-year relationship is hard enough. However, when this happens in the same week as the sudden departure of one of your trusted...
www.woutervercruysse.com Wouter Vercruysse (°1981, Courtray, Belgium) studied with Judith Ermert at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent, where he graduated magna cum laude in 2006 with a Masters in Music Performance. Prior to his studies with Ms. Ermert, he received private training from Jan Van Kelst at the Courtray City Conservatory, where he completed his studies with highest honours. Furthermore, he has studied with Yo-Yo Ma, Alexander Rudin, Lluis Claret, and Viviane Spanoghe; and has been coached in chamber music by Filip Rathé (Spectra Ensemble), Rainer Schmidt (Hagen Quartet), and Claus-Christian Schuster (Altenberg Trio of Vienna). Since 1997, Armand Coeck has...
Using analog apparats such as reel to reel taperecorders and analog synthesizers Wouter van Veldhoven makes pop-influenced experimental ambient and some conceptual soundscapes. Old means, new music. .