E-Nature | pl

It was a natural thing for Dominik, 24 years old, to start making electronic music, since he was a big fan of this kind of music all his life. He started to gain musical knowledge with the age of seven by visiting voluntary music courses in primary school. With 15, Dominik started to play around with electronic instruments and learned how to make music with the help of computers. Over the years and many songs and music experiments later, Dominik obtained professional music-production skills. His current songs easily compete with professional music productions played in clubs and TV. As a...
Znaleziony 20 piosenki, Trwanie: 01:42:54
n a t u r a l t e c h n o b l u e s
S.h.u.d.d.e.r._ [v][i][b[]r[]a[]t[]i[o]n[]
Mind Recreation with Rain Sounds at Night, Pt. 4
Thunderstorm Relaxing With Nature Sound
Sounds of Autumn
J u s t p r e s s t h e k n o c k
Nature - 5-HTP
Похмурні вирви часу, Pt.3
Pioggia di primavera
Priceless Peace
Я всё помню
- ÿþO v e r h e a t e d L i v i n g r o o m
Nature's Warning
Subtle Rain Soundscape, Pt. 9
B R E A T H I N G (BassBoosted by N`Vodirivs)