Gogol Bordello | pl

Bordello is a defunct Montreal band which formed in the late nineties. The group was composed of Nahz ( vocals), Coffin Joe (guitar), Cedric (guitar), Jimmy (bass) and Simon (drums). Their first album, No Angel, was released in 2002 and was followed by a full length album in 2006 entitled, Never See the Sun. After the departure of Nahz in 2006 the remaining band members reunited with the singer of their original lineup, Erle, with whom they had played a couple of shows but never recorded any material and changed their name to The Crypt Club in 2008. .
Gogol Bordello to 9-osobowa nowojorska formacja w skład której wchodzi dwóch Rosjan, pół-Chinka pół-Szkotka, Żyd, Etiopczyk, Ekwadorczyk, Tajka, Amerykanin i jeden Ukrainiec. Mieszanka tyle nietypowa, co wybuchowa, bowiem muzyka Gogol Bordello to żywiołowa mieszanka punku i rocka grana z ukraińskim sznytem. Gogol Bordello to cygańsko-punkowa grupa z Lower East Side w Nowym Jorku. Powstała w roku 1999 i znana jest z "teatralnych" występów. Spora część muzyki inspirowana jest muzyką cygańską. Na ich płytach słychać akordeon i skrzypce, a także, czasami, saksofon. Śpiewają w różnych językach. Phill Jupitus opisał zespół tak: "nieco jak The Clash walczący z The Pouges w Europie...
There are multiple bands called Baroque Bordello: 1) Baroque Bordello is a French post-punk band active between 1981 and 1988. Singer Catherine "Weena" Truscelli and guitarist Alain Frappier began Baroque Bordello in 1981 with drummer Gilles "Prad" Pradinas and bassist Gilles "Pewal" Bourges. Their main influences were British and American artists, ranging from Patti Smith to Joy Division and The Stranglers. Over the years many musicians have played with Catherine Truscelli and Alain Frappier in Baroque Bordello. After 1984 bassist Patrick Griffiths, formerly of 23 Skidoo, drummer Michael Rushton (future member of Les Innocents), and keyboardist Pascale Meunier joined the...
GOGOL PREMIER et la HORDE, L'HISTOIRE (http://gogol-premier.com)... Aout 1982, Quiberon en Bretagne,à la sortie d’un night club, la Baraka ou la chance, c’est là que tout a commencé, après une nuit d’insomnie qui a suivi un concert puis un repas bien arrosé, Jacques Dezandre va prendre le frais sur le bord de la mer, il y a du vent et dans l’aube naissante il regarde au loin la ligne d’horizon qui s’enflamme quand il voit sortir de l’ océan des lettres de feu qui s’impriment en technicolor dans le ciel breton, ainsi naquit La Horde. Gogol Premier associé à Patrice...
Hailing from the slums and ghettos of New Zealand (the Prague of the South), The Benka Boradovsky Bordello Band play a unique brand of highly theatrical East-European Apocalyptic Debauchery... Expect spontaneous combustion in the audience, clothes thrown off in frivolous rampage, macabre stories, legs turning into snakes, much musical and physical inebriation and dancing, dancing, dancing... When Balkan, Punk, Cabaret and Swing combine, nuclear meltdowns of worlds begin... The Album, Polkapocalypse, is done. World Domination is just around the corner... The brothels shall be the parliament, the graveyards the Houses of Commons.... A new era is upon us... After first...