Paquito Jerez | pl

Botellita de Jerez es una banda de rock mexicana, formada en la Ciudad de México en 1983 y separada en 1997. Se conforma por Sergio Arau (guitarra y voz), Armando Vega Gil (bajo y voz) y Francisco Barrios (batería y voz). La banda está junta de nuevo desde 2005 hasta la fecha. (2012) Botellita de Jerez se distingue siempre por un enfoque musical festivo e irreverente, celebrando la cultura de lo naco e integrando sketches y albures en sus letras y presentaciones. Su estilo, un rock sencillo y directo, se combinaba con ritmos tan dispares como el son, el blues...
He was born in 1934 in the gypsy quarter Santiago in Jerez de la Frontera. Legend says he was born in the famous Calle Nueva. He comes from a family of flamenco singers, and of tocaores bailaores, he is the nephew of Tia Juana la del bailaora Pipa of Tío Parrilla and El Borrico and is the brother of Maria Solea and Curro he Terremoto takes the stage name of guitarist and cousin Manuel Molina Fernández Parrilla de Jerez. He began singing and dancing at a young age. He started as a dancer in Jerez and Seville tablao Guajiro. He...
La Paquera was born in 1934 at Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain and died in the same city in 2004. She had given flamenco singing a way to say, feel and express things. She is described as an authentic standard-bearer for the best Jerez singing by Juan Luis Manfredi, flamencologist. La Paquera de Jerez is one of the greatest figures of cante (flamenco singing) and one of the most emblematic. She comes from a family of great amateurs, but without any professional predecessors. She started when she was very young in the cozy parties in her city. Throughout her...