Pulse (UK) Pastiche | pl

Pulse State started in the late 90's as an emotional outlet for the Detroit based musician Mike Phipps, who also uses Pulse State as a pseudonym. Moving through different electronic styles during its lifetime, Pulse State has been operating in the melodic EBM, electro-pop and darkwave spheres for some years now. A few early releases paved the way for the long-awaited debut album, With a Single Step (2008). The free album, now unavailable from its original source, focused on what Mike felt were his best songs to that point, reproduced to his standards at the time. Work on new music...
Pulse Legion zespół założony przez muzyków John Ricker (wokal, sekwencer) oraz Samuel Pfannkuche (programming, perkusja, sekwencer) w 1996 roku na wyspach Hawaje, US, jednak w ciągu roku przenieśli się do Los Angeles gdzie pozyskali trzeciego członka Jason DM (programming, sekwencer, perkusja, drugi wokal). Zespół w 1997 roku zwerbował COP International by wydać ich debiutancki album pt/ "Evolve". Materiał na nim zawarty to nowoczesne brzmienie. Ewolucja od electro-industrial, EBM, dark electro w stronę nowego brzmienia. Stąd nazwa albumu. Gościnnie w nagraniach wzięli udział m.in. Count 0 z Deathline International oraz Amanda Jones, kalifornijska DJ. Drugi album pt/ "One Thing" wydany przez...
Berlin scene meets Gnawa tradition. Ritual breakbeats and virtual trance. With their intensive vocals and rhythms the Gnawa musicians, playing nightly rituals, are able to bring varied audiences to trance, a state of open-mindedness, sometimes hypnotic then ecstatic. In September 1998 the traditional Moroccan Gawa musicians Abdenbi Binizi, Samir Zgarhi and Majid Karadi met Jan-Claudius Rase and David Beck, both multi-instrumentalists of German origin. Following time spent in the studio and a trip to Marrakech, the German musicians went on to mix traditional recordings with western club compositions. The " Living Remixes " concept was born. Gnawa Impulse gave their...
Znaleziony 7 piosenki, Trwanie: 51:31
Dark Matter (Original Mix)
Into The Void (Original Mix) GR ®
Pastiche, Pulse (UK) - Dark Matter (Original Mix)
Aurora Borealis (Original Mix)
Dark Matter (Original Mix) GR ®