The Wise Guyz | pl

Hailing from the same area as labelmates the Apers, Wiseguy started in 1996 as a punk rock outfit. Shaping into a hard rocking combo by the turn of the century, their Hellacopters-esque debut single was released by Stardumb Records in 2001. That single was followed by their only full length album 'Burning The Tracks' in 2003 and 3 songs on the Rock N Rolla Outta Controlla compilation (which was accompanying the Rock N Rolla tour with The Stilettos, 69 Charger, Black Rodeo and The Lulabelles) in 2004. By that time singer/guitarist David Pino's band El Pino And The Volunteers...
Pennywise - amerykański zespół punkowy powstały w 1988, jeden z przedstawicieli tzw. punkowego odrodzenia lat 90. XX wieku. Muzykę grupy można określić generalnie jako punk, oparty na solidnej tradycji tzw. kalifornijskiego hardcore'u (szybka, dynamiczna i melodyjna muzyka), z umiejętnie dodanymi elementami funku, popu i klasycznego rocka. Historia Zespół założony w Hermosa Beach (Kalifornia) przez grupę znajomych ze szkoły, zafascynowanych punk-rockiem i surfingiem. Pierwotny skład zespołu: Jim Lindberg (wokal), Fletcher Draggs (gitara), Byron McMackin (perkusja)i Jason Thirsk (bas). Pennywise w 1989 wydali debiutancką EP-kę A Word from the Wise. Wydawnictwo okazało się na tyle interesujące, że rok później jedna z najważniejszych...
There are two artists using the name Wise Guys 1) An A Cappella group from Cologne, Germany 2) An Italian hardcore band from New Jersey. The Wise Guys are a popular A Cappella group from Cologne, Germany. They are the most prominent representatives of A Cappella music in Germany. Their tantalizing combination of catchy tunes and amusing lyrics have attracted many fans. The group as it is known today has existed since 1995 with the members Daniel Dickopf (Dän), Marc Sahr (Sari), Edzard Hüneke (Eddi), Clemens Tewinkel and Ferenc Husta who replaced the former bassist Christoph Tettinger. Tettinger is now...
Wise Intelligent, is a rapper, producer and community activist. He was the front man for the legendary hip-hop group Poor Righteous Teachers, hailing from Trenton, New Jersey which released five albums, starting in 1990 and ending in 2001. Often referred to as PRT by its fans, Poor Righteous Teachers are known as pro-Black conscious hip hop artists, with musical content inspired by the teachings of the Nation of Gods and Earths. PRT was discovered by another hip-hop legend from Trenton, YZ. A member of The Nation Of Gods and Earth, Wise Intelligent beliefs filter into music quite often, with thought-provoking...
All throughout the nineties, Philadelphia, USA's EDGEWISE toiled and labored to make their assault of metallic hardcore prominent in the ears of east coast hardcore and metal kids. They toured constantly, including a stint with the then-unknown GREEN DAY. Somehow, the band never had a proper full length released domestically. They had some songs on comps and seven inches and the like, and a full length overseas, but no nationally distributed full length in North America. Hence, THORP RECORDS has decided to salute EDGEWISE and brand them a part of our UNSUNG SERIES by bringing their history to the world...