ог буда лавв66 | pl

Mnogotochie (russian spelling of "...")(english spelling of 'ellipsis') is a very popular russian rap band. The band consists of people, who've all had their lives ruined by drugs. They earned fame with their debut album "Жизнь и Свобода" (Life and Freedom, 2001). This album had a lyrical theme about the past of the band members, this being poverty, drugs and the deaths of friends (from drug use). The album also has tracks of a different lyrical theme, for example, love lyrics ("В жизни так бывает"). The second album, "Атомы сознания" (atoms of consciousness) was released in 2002. It continued the...
Russian avangarde - techno-pop project Tehnologia (Технология) was founded in 1990 in Moscow (Russia). Its russian synt-pop group. .
Sogdiana (Russian: Согдиана), sometimes with the last name Fedorinskaya (Федоринская), is the artist name of the Uzbek singer Nechitaylo Oksana Vladimirovna (Нечитайло Оксана Владимировна), born February 17, 1984 in Tashkent with Ukrainian Pabrade. She sings in Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, French, English and Chechen. Some of the songs she wrote herself. She has also written songs for other artists. Her name alludes to the old kingdom Sogdiana partly consistent with today's Uzbekistan. She has described herself as shy, taciturn and introvert, but her trained voice is strong, safe and soulfull and refers to Whitney Houston. As their role models, she said...
Ноггано (czyt. Nagano) to aler ego rosyjskiego rapera Basty (Баста). Co ciekawe, raper (właść. imię: Wasilij Wakulienko) jest znany ze swojej twórczości pod dwoma pseudonimami. Rozdwojenie ego spowodowane było zróżnicowaniem muzycznej działalności Wakulienki. Basta opowiada o uczuciach, często sięgając po melodyjne bity łamiące bariery między gatunkami. Nagano to wg samego autora "niemoralny i aspołeczny kobieciarz pozbawiony uczuć". Jego utwory są bardziej wulgarne, dosadne, a bity usytuowane w bardziej klasycznej konwencji hip-hopu. Twórczości Nagano jest jednak dalego do prymitywizmu. Basta i Nagano to szeroka propozycja muzyki od Wakulienki, ale część słuchaczy lubi obydwie postacie. Projekt Nagano istnieje od 2007 roku. Do...
Oleg Pogudin was born on Dec. 22, 1968, in Leningrad. He studied at the Leningrad State Institute of Theater. Pogudin sings a wide variety of Russian songs, including "gypsy" music, romantic songs, and folk songs. .
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