Bernardo Lanzetti | pt

Having grown up in an artistic environment, Bernardo Devlin was exposed to the visual arts from a very early age and this has informed his musical thinking far more than other orthodox musical approaches. However, it was out of his listening habits that his ideas started gaining shape. In 1985 he formed his early combo Electrodomésticos and two years later Jardim Orgânico. In the meantime he had also been part of other groups and participated in the very polemic concert of Vítor Rua's "P.S.P. - Pipocas" project at the club Rock Rendez-Vous. By the fall of 1989, Devlin formed Osso...
the fragile and uncommon voice of the flamenco, bernardo sandoval is a singer-songwriter-guitar player from Toulouse. He works solo (Western, En vivo) or collaborates, 100% collegues for exemple.. i recommend violently his last album of recitals.. .
Bernardo Storace (fl. 1664) was an Italian composer. Almost nothing is known about his life; his only surviving collection of music contains numerous variation sets and represents a transitory stage between the time of Girolamo Frescobaldi and that of Bernardo Pasquini. .
(d before 1650). It. composer and lutenist in first half of 17th cent. One of last It. composers for lute. Little known biographically. In 1650 his widow pubd. Il liuto di Bernardo Gianoncelli in his memory (only surviving copy in Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice). Contains several suites, arr. according to key. Best‐known piece was Bergamasca, of which a lute arr. by Chilesotti was pubd. 1891. .