ENTROPIA (Cat) | pt

1- Black/post-metal band from Oleśnica, Poland formed in 2007. Blast beats accompanied with post-rock sensitivity and etherealness of shoegaze. They released their debut album, 'Vesper', on 28th February 2013. http://www.facebook.com/mourningentropia http://www.entropia.bandcamp.com 2 - Grindcore band from Catalonia (Spain) which mix gore and mincecore lyrics since 1992. http://entropia.ppcc.cat http://entropiablog.ppcc.cat https://www.facebook.com/entropia.anarkosatanisme 3- grunge band from Warsaw, Poland. So far they have recorded two demos. http://www.myspace.com/entropiagk 4- thrash metal band from Vancouver, BC, Canada. http://www.myspace.com/entropiametal 5- Power/black metal band from France. On their myspace it is stated that they sound like 'when Nightwish meets Behemoth'. http://www.myspace.com/entropiainvictus 6- Metal band from Estonia. http://www.purevolume.com/entropiaband 7-...