Latent Chaos | pt

Chaos UK começou sua longa jornada em 1979, com uma formação composta pelo vocalista Simon, Andy na guitarra, Kaos no baixo e Potts na bateria. Eles finalmente assinado com a Riot City Records e lançado dois 7" EP em 1982, Burning Britain e Loud, Political & Uncompromising. Nesse mesmo ano, eles lançaram um LP homônimo com uma formação um pouco diferente. Kaos foi para os vocais, e os novos membros Spot e Nige assumiu na bateria e baixo, respectivamente. Deixaram a gravadora, e logo depois desapareceram até 1984, quando lançaram Lawless in Great Britain, também conhecido como Short Sharp Shock,...
64chaos is a franco - japanese electro/chiptune duo. .
Bloomington, Indiana via Boston-based group best known for the single "Designer Genes", their contribution to the seminal post-punk compilation Red Snerts: The Sound of Gulcher (Gulcher Records, 1981). Members were Rick Wilkerson (vocals, synthesizer), Lynn Shipley (vocals), Rich Lampear (bass), and Bruce Demaree (drums). Amoebas in Chaos recorded one full length, On the May Day (Hardly Music, 1982), before dissolving in 1983. .
Kelsey and the Chaos’ new single “Life Goes On” is a ray of light in a world full of dismally mundane love songs. This upbeat tune displays a new attitude that the young band have come to live by. “This song is all about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and moving on.” Says Kelsey Merritt, front-woman of Kelsey and The Chaos,”I want everyone who hears it to be uplifted and motivated to come out of life’s trials stronger than ever.” Kelsey and the Chaos have seen their fair share of adversity, but in turn, a much greater share of...
Cuckoo Chaos are a five piece San Diego group made up of players from other bands including The Vision of a Dying World, The Paddle Boat, Black Mamba, and Cousins. .