Molotov Compromise | pt

Molotov é uma banda mexicana de rock e hip hop formada na Cidade do México em 23 de Setembro de 1995. Um dos grupos mais importantes da América Latina, por vezes foram comparados com a banda estado-unidense Rage Against the Machine. Seus poemas líricos são caracterizados por uma mistura de espanhol e inglês, mixado e cantado por todos membros do grupo. Muitas canções, tal como "Gimme Tha Power" e "Frijolero", são inspiradas na política, com temas como a imigração de mexicanos para os Estados Unidos, a corrupção ou a destruição do meio ambiente. Seus integrantes - Tito Fuentes (vocal e...
Сольный проект Антона Уразова, в недавнем прошлом основателя культовых питерских индустриальных групп МОРЛОКИ, ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ КЛЫК, ЭЛИТА. Бескомпромиссно агрессивный некродрайв-коктейль на основе aggro-industrial, technohardcore, rhythm-n-noise, breakbeat, - грубо говоря, тяжелый индустриальный рэйв, в сопровождении брутального видео. Проект открыт в 2003 году, за прошедшее время состоялся ряд успешных концертов в Питере, Москве, Архангельске, Кирове, Крыму, Выборге, Казани, Твери, в том числе выступления с EINSTUERZENDE NEUBAUTEN, MONO NO AWARE, HYPNOSKULL, ASCHE, MORGENSTERN, совместные перформансы с арт-группами АРХИТЕАТР, МОЛОТ, REPUS TUTO MATOS. В 2007 году на лейбле Tesla (Indiestate promotions) выпущен первый альбом - «Mordance». «Ид Молотов - один из интереснейших представителей нового питерского...
The five members of The Molotovs follow the eloquent home grown pop lineage that runs from The Kinks to the Mystery Jets and combine it with their own love of poetry and fable, carving a sound that is jittery and yet oddly atmospheric. They write songs, which are both rousing and melancholic. The Molotovs consist of Will Daunt (vocals/guitar), Henry Walton (Guitar), Dom Millard (keyboards/guitar), Iain Lock (bass) and Guy Henderson (Drums) .
From Their Myspace: "I'm the new fucking wave of kids clogging up the dancefloor, and a circle skank pit at a show is pure, unadulterated bliss. There's an electricity in the air that jostles every fiber in your body until you're one of the flailing, but somehow stylish members of the pit. The few times you make eye contact with someone else in a lull, you realize they're feeling what you are, and it's like an orgasmic outpour of raw power flooding through the venue. When Molotov Compromise plays at Southmore House, the resident squat house in houston, there's not...
Encontrado 41 canções, duração: 01:57:58
No Allegaince
Oppressed Existence
Religious Profiteers
It Doesn't Matter
Enough Is Enough
The Chorus Remains
Turtle Vs. Snake
No Allegiance
So Called Equality
Do What's Right
Before It's Gone
enough is enough
Its Up To All Of Us
Calling All Cars
Death Is Eminent
It Doesn't Matter
Were In For A Fight
How Are We Supposed to Breathe?
How Are We Supposed To Breath
How Are We Supposed To Breathe
The Feeding of the Vultures
Faith, Fame and Fortune
It Doesn't Matter
The Chorus Remains