Trem 77 | pt

Atualmente, apesar da data oficial prevalecer, a história da banda começa séculos antes, algum tempo por volta do século VIII - esta é a idade de suas músicas e canções. A banda em si foi criada em 1996 no Leste de Berlim, vindos da terra vizinha do antigo muro (O Oeste de Berlim é muito famoso em questão de bandas, como Rammstein). Antes de formar o In Extremo, a formação atual não passava de 7 pessoas que nunca viram a cara um do outro. Micha(el)Rhein (Das Letzte Einhorn) e Teufel (Hoje Tanzwut) um dia criaram um projeto chamado Pullarius Forzillo....
A Tremor combina ritmos e sonoridades que quebram barreiras e atravessam fronteiras apresentando o carinhosamente chamado Folclore 2.0. Em sua formação, encontram-se 3 figuras bem distintas cujos backgrounds ajudam a explicar a trajetória da banda. Leonardo Martinelli, fundador do grupo, é um músico multi-instrumental formado em conservatório, que trabalhou durante 4 anos no ministério da cultura argentino. Durante esse período visitou povoados ao norte e sul do país em projetos de resgate e registro da música folclórica. Os outros dois membros são Camillo Carbajal e Gerardo. O primeiro vêm de uma família argentina de estimados músicos folclóricos cuja missão é...
Brian Poole & the Tremeloes were an English beat group founded in 1958 in Dagenham, Essex, England. Lead singer Brian Poole left the band in 1966 and the band continued as The Tremeloes. The group formed in 1958 as Brian Poole and the Tremoloes (the name soon being changed thanks to the spelling mistake of a local newspaper), and were initially cast in the Buddy Holly and the Crickets mould. Decca notoriously chose them over The Beatles, whom they had auditioned on the same day. They first charted with a version of “Twist and Shout” (1963), which owed much to...
Paul, after many years in groups, had a trunk full of songs that had never seen the light. Little secrets that grew day by day and began to seep from the corners of his hard drive. One day he decided to show to Adriana, making his accomplice, and she put them voice. In December 2010 they made their first performance, where Iñigo, Damaged Dolls, suggested they produce them with partner Roberto C. Meyer. All but a few producers use. In summer 2011 they recorded the disc between the four, who now edits Everlasting Records. Iñigo, guided by their instincts, decided...
Daniel Estrem began his musical practice on keyboard at age 5 with the urging of his parents. In 1960 the fire for classical guitar was ignited after hearing a Segovia recording. He began study of the guitar at age 11 with Dr. James Condell, a teacher of classical and jazz guitar in Moorhead, MN. Living 60 miles away in Fergus Falls, the determined young student would ride the train to Moorhead every other Saturday for lessons. The luring attraction of the rock band era forged by the Beatles in the mid-60's consequently led him to electric guitar and the dissection...
Encontrado 7 canções, duração: 29:43
Like Space Itself (Headspace Mix)
Trem Revoltado
Trem de Ferro
She Makes It
Covered in Moss and Lichen